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Religions of the World Support Hunting

Most all religions support ethical hunting and honor animals taken through ritual and prayer.

New Bill Aims to End Almost All U.S. Grizzly Bear Hunting

If passed, science-based hunts would be banned in every state except Alaska.

Ill Winds Start to Blow at Hunting Trade Shows

Anti-hunting protesters attempt to shame hunters while impeding conservation efforts.

New Jersey Black Bear Hunt Ban Upheld on Appeal

A judge’s decision signals sportsmen’s fight is headed to Supreme Court.

Does a Hunter’s Gunshot Attract Predators?

Research shows wolves, grizzlies and even alligators learn to associate gunshots with an easy meal.

15 Scary Anti-Hunting Organizations to Watch

Hunters Beware: These groups seek to eradicate all hunting.

New Jersey Hunters Sue Governor Over Bear Hunting Ban

Gov. Murphy’s reckless move criminalizes science-based hunting as state bear populations escalate.

New Jersey Governor Bans Bear Hunting on Public Lands

As Governor Murphy panders to animal rights extremists, his latest move is the tip of...

Cougar and Grizzly Hunts Show Role of Legal, Regulated Hunting

New predator hunting opportunities underscore hunting’s effectiveness as a wildlife management tool.

Black Bear Attacks on the Rise in Colorado

Colorado says be “bear aware” as human-bear conflicts escalate.

5-Year-Old Girl Mauled by Black Bear in Colorado

Again we see the dangers to human safety when predator species are not managed through...

Repercussions to Hit B.C. as Grizzly Season Closes

With British Columbia’s grizzly bear hunting season ending on Nov. 30, increased human-bear conflicts and...

South Carolina Increases Bear Tags Amid Overpopulation

Due to excess population numbers, coastal bear hunting permits will now be available to all...

Why It's a Great Time to Be An American Hunter

As if there were any doubt, 2016 is a great time to be a hunter...

New Jersey Moves to End Bear Hunting Amid Overpopulation?

New Jersey is overrun with bears, but anti-hunters don’t want you to hunt them—and they...

Federal Management in Question as Wolves Sport-Kill 19 Elk in One Attack?

Wyoming wolf pack's recent killing spree begs the question: Is USFWS management of wolves going...

Six Outfitted Hunts You Haven't Heard Of...Yet

If you’re looking for something new—something that your hunting buddies might not have thought of—we’ve...
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