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Smoke and Mirrors: Newsweek Article Exposed for False Claim That Hunting Harms the Environment

A wildlife biologist touts the role of legal, regulated hunting in wildlife management.

Helicopter Gunners to Kill off Catalina Island Mule Deer Herd

The plan aims to eradicate the island’s 2,000 deer to save the ecosystem.

Hogapalooza! Louisiana Hunters for the Hungry Program Aims to Ease Feral Swine Bomb

Cutting hog numbers while helping those less fortunate is a win-win for all.

Feral “Swine Bomb” Explodes Across Louisiana

A study shows the state’s 1.2 million feral hogs cause $91 million in annual damages.

$20K Florida Python Challenge Helps to Manage the Everglades’ Invasive Species

The annual contest aids both the ecosystem and biodiversity.

Bowfishing for Invasive Fish Species in Alaska—or Anywhere—Keeps Archery Skills Sharp

Here’s Alaska’s take on using sportsmen to manage invasive fish species’ populations.

41 Conservation Partners Urge Feds Not to Settle Extremists’ Lawsuit

Will the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service uphold hunter access to wildlife refuge lands?

Hunt 24/7 by Helping to Control Invasive Species

Yearning for deer season? Consider these year-round hunting opportunities.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Goes Viral over Hunter Training

So why won’t he end Facebook’s censorship of fellow hunters’ content?

The Truth about Texas’ Exotic Wildlife

Hunters’ dollars save species where hunting is leveraged as a management tool.

State Wildlife Agencies’ Hunt Raffles Support Wildlife and Habitat

These creative fundraising initiatives aid wildlife while creating more hunting opportunities.

Bowfishing for Invasive Species Keeps Archery Skills Sharp

Here's another way sportsmen help to keep invasive species’ populations in check.

Don’t Confuse the Meaning of Hunting

Misuse of the word hunting in place of poaching or market slaughter taints legal hunting.

Hog Wild: A Hunter’s View of America’s Feral Swine Invasion

Wild hogs now cost the nation billions annually in damages and population control.

Touting Hunters’ Role in Invasive and Native Species Management

Hunters keep wildlife populations in check, fund habitat enhancement and boost the economy.

Florida Steps Up Python Removal with Increased Incentives

More prizes and more paid hunters are helping to eradicate the invasive snake.

Utah’s Ogden Bay: The Birthplace of Modern Wetlands Conservation

Thanks to sportsmen, the bay was the first project to benefit from the Pittman-Robertson Act.

Attack of the Green Iguanas!

It’s open season on the big lizards in Florida as the invasive species expands.

Acting DOI Secretary Continues Big Game Conservation Efforts

David Bernhardt announced that $1.5 million has been approved to benefit Western big game.

Why It’s Prime Time to Gear Up for Coyotes

Overrun by coyotes? Here’s what you need to know to prep for your hunt.
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