
U.S. House Resolution Aims to Halt Federal Lead Ammo Bans

Standing with science, the move works to shut down bans that hinder hunting.

Colorado’s Expanding Predator Populations Creating Pressure on Deer

A pack of lions just crossed a Denver driveway.

Biden Administration Proposes Lead Ammunition Ban at Eight National Wildlife Refuges

Here’s the latest example of the administration’s underlying agenda.

Feds Reject Anti-Hunting Group's Lead Ammo Ban Demands

The decision foils extremists’ push to eradicate traditional ammunition… for now.

Connecticut Legislature Refuses to Institute Black Bear Hunt Despite Species’ Expanding Population

In the meantime, human-bear encounters are rising with no management tool in place.

Alaska Confirms First Case of Rabies in Moose

The first confirmed moose case in all of North America is attributed to a fox.

Native American Fish and Wildlife Society is the Newest Recruit to NRA’s Online Hunter Education Course

The NAFWS is now offering the free NRA program to all of its tribal members.

Florida Congressman Claims AR-15 Rounds Disintegrate Whitetail Deer

Sidestepping the facts bolsters misinformation and fuels controversy.

Should You Keep or Donate Your Wild Game Meat?

If your own freezer is full, consider feeding the needy in your community.

Minnesota Deer Hunters Association to Skip 2023 Governor’s Deer Opener

It says Gov. Walz’s policies are at odds with deer hunting and conservation.

Native Americans: Our Nation’s Most Eager Hunter-Conservationists

A study shows how the outdoor lifestyle is ingrained in their culture and community.

Biden Administration Plays Tit-For-Tat on Lead Ammo Bans

Is the Interior Department exchanging land access for ammo bans?

Wyoming Hunter Launches “Let a Deer Walk” Program Following State’s Disastrous Winterkill

Hunters remain America’s top conservationists as Western states address wildlife losses.

U.S. Senator Warns Biden Administration Trying to Kill Hunting in Alaska

Sen. Sullivan urges Alaskans to counter the assault and protect hunting.

Hogapalooza! Louisiana Hunters for the Hungry Program Aims to Ease Feral Swine Bomb

Cutting hog numbers while helping those less fortunate is a win-win for all.
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