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Another Group Petitions Feds to Ban Lead Ammo on Public Lands

Sidestepping science, the real goal is to hinder participation in hunting and shooting.

NJ Governor Reinstates Bear Hunt, Cites “Data is Clear: Our Black Bear Population Is Growing”

Supporting the science, the move ends the long tug-of-war over the state’s bear hunt.

New Jersey Aims to Circumvent Carry Rights Gains with New Legislation

Assembly Bill 4769 ignores the U.S. Supreme Court’s Bruen decision.

Oregon Hunters and Wildlife Managers Face Devastating Ballot Initiative on Nov. 8

For starters, it would require government permission to exercise firearm rights.

NRA Calls Out Biden Administration’s Move to Cut Target Shooting Access in Arizona

The latest move against gun owners was announced in yesterday’s Federal Register.

NRA-Backed Lawsuit Challenges California Ban on Marketing Firearms for Youth Hunting and Shooting Sports Programs

A high school shooting league is just one group folding to avoid a $25K fine.

House Passes Assault Weapons Ban of 2022, Senate Likely to Shut It Down

Here’s how H.R. 1808 would harm law-abiding hunters and shooters rather than criminals.

NRA, American Wildlife Conservation Partners Stand with Sportsmen Against “Assault Weapons” Ban Legislation

The coalition urges House leaders to oppose the unconstitutional legislation.

Maine ‘Right to Food’ Amendment Leads to Lawsuit Challenging Sunday Hunting Ban

Some say the amendment overrides the state’s ban on Sunday hunting.

Feds Ratchet Up Assault on Lead Ammo

Sportsmen have until Aug. 8 to submit comments against a proposed USFWS rule.

Hunters, Shooters Face More Lead Ban Proposals

Sidestepping science, anti-hunters seek to end hunting through more false claims.

New Senate Bill Aims to Ban Use of Traditional Lead Ammunition on U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Lands

The bill’s true purpose is to attack American hunters and legal, regulated hunting.

NRA Appeals California Court’s Decision to Relist Gray Wolves

The NRA filed suit on April 11, standing with hunters to set the record straight.

Hunter Education in Colorado Schools Signed into Law

Seventh graders will soon be able to take a hunter education course at their school.

South Carolina Sunday Hunting Measure Passes House and Moves to Senate

Here is another example of how the NRA works for hunters.

41 Conservation Partners Urge Feds Not to Settle Extremists’ Lawsuit

Will the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service uphold hunter access to wildlife refuge lands?

Virginia Sunday Hunting Measure Sent to Governor

The bill expands hunter access to public lands and bolsters the state’s economy.

NRA Files Suit to Dismiss Case Against USFWS and Keep Public Lands Open

The NRA and its partners aim to end a Center for Biological Diversity lawsuit.

NRA, Hunter-Backed Groups Fight HSUS Push to End California Black Bear Hunt

The coalition promotes wildlife science over the HSUS’ inaccurate claims.

Colorado Bill to Ban Cat Hunting and Trapping set for Thursday Hearing

It would be illegal to hunt or trap any cat unless protecting humans or livestock.
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