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20 Reasons Why Hunting is Conservation

In 1900, only 500,000 whitetails remained in North America. Thanks to conservation work spearheaded by...

Houston Chronicle Errs in Tying Hunters to the Illegal Wildlife Trade

As the world’s No. 1 conservationists, hunters view every day as World Wildlife Day, yet...

Why an Alaskan Moose Hunter’s Supreme Court Win Matters

The fact the U.S. Supreme Court chose to hear one hunter’s case out of thousands...

Federal Management in Question as Wolves Sport-Kill 19 Elk in One Attack?

Wyoming wolf pack's recent killing spree begs the question: Is USFWS management of wolves going...

Hunters May Soon Get Grizzly Bear Tags in the Greater Yellowstone Area

Earlier this month, the USFWS announced that after 41 years of Endangered Species Act protection,...

First Light: The North American Model Of Wildlife Conservation

Did you know it was hunters who launched the most successful wildlife management program worldwide?

NRA-ILA on the March for Hunters

Sunday Hunting Pushed in NC, PA; Apprentice Hunting Program Grows to 38 States; Bans on...

Six Outfitted Hunts You Haven't Heard Of...Yet

If you’re looking for something new—something that your hunting buddies might not have thought of—we’ve...
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