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Indiana Reduces Deer-Vehicle Collisions

Hoosier State study shows targeted hunting can reduce deer-vehicle accidents.

America’s Hunting, Conservation Groups Voice Support for Outfitter Legislation

The Biden administration’s rule could put some outfitters out of business.

A Hearty Welcome to America’s Newest Frontline Conservationists

Here’s how hunters fund wildlife conservation into the future.

Colorado Predator Wars: First Wolves, Now Cats as Extremists Aim to Put Cat Hunting Ban on November Ballot

‘Ballot-box biology’ bypasses wildlife science and the legislative and regulatory process.

Louisiana Black Bear Recovery Allows for Limited Hunt

Hunting is an effective management tool as bear numbers continue to rise.

Gun Owners, Hunters and Shooters Overwhelmingly Support North American Wildlife Conservation

A new study points to how sportsmen continue to fund the bulk of conservation.

Happy Birthday, Fred Bear!

We honor a legendary pioneer, friend and one of the most renown hunters of the...

Iowa Department of Natural Resources Takes New Hunters from Field to Fork

A six-month program teaches aspiring hunters to bowhunt and prepare their venison.

Hunters Working for Hunters: The NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum Website’s Year in Review

Here’s a rundown of some of the biggest issues that impacted hunters in 2023.

Wyoming Gov. Gordon Launches “Inspire a Kid” Initiative with State’s Game and Fish Department

The governor encourages Wyoming’s youth to explore the great outdoors.

Biden Reverses Course, Signs Measure to Restore School Funding for Hunting and Archery Programs

Is it sinking in that he can’t eradicate America’s hunting and outdoor traditions?

Congress Slaps Down Biden’s Funding Cuts to Schools with Archery, Hunting Programs

The NRA stands its ground in protecting America’s hunting and outdoor heritage.

Bowhunting Education Effort Targets Quick, Clean Harvest

A group shares its research findings to help archers match equipment to the task.

Bias Unmasked: Biden Administration Cuts Federal Funds for School Hunting and Archery Programs

Stunning even for Biden, the move crushes freedom to destroy our way of life.

Should You Keep or Donate Your Wild Game Meat?

If your own freezer is full, consider feeding the needy in your community.

Native Americans: Our Nation’s Most Eager Hunter-Conservationists

A study shows how the outdoor lifestyle is ingrained in their culture and community.

Gun Control Bills Could Doom Hunting and Wildlife Conservation in the Centennial State

Colorado is targeting Second Amendment freedoms and the firearms industry.

6 Reasons NRA’s Great American Outdoor Show is Must-See

With 1,000+ exhibitors, the world’s largest outdoor show makes your dreams come true.

Hillsdale College Honors Veterans with a Free Day of Shooting Sports

The campus’ world-class Halter Shooting Center gives back to those who served.
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