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Airguns Continue to Make Strides in Hunting Circles

A few states now permit appropriately-powered airguns for game both large and small.

15 Scary Anti-Hunting Organizations to Watch

Hunters Beware: These groups seek to eradicate all hunting.

R3 Symposium Narrows Outdoor Community’s Focus and Needs

The national “recruitment, retention and reactivation” event outlined steps to reverse the decline in hunter...

PETA to Cornell University: Deer over People!

PETA strikes again, this time trying to stop a hunt to prevent the spread of...

PETA Wants Justice Kavanaugh to Make the Supreme Court Cafe Vegan

PETA conveniently ignores the massive environmental impacts its ideology would have if it got its...

Prince William Notes Conservation Case for Hunting Botswana

Botswana’s President Masisi says the British royal recognizes elephant hunting as a conservation tool.

Take a Stand against the Virtual Lynch Mob

Expose animal rights extremists’ claims and talk with those in the middle about hunting.

NRA HLF Co-Chair Trig French Guests on Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World

Radio host Rob Keck talks with two hunting leaders about their federal advisory roles.

Animal Rights Group Seeks Personhood Status for Zoo Elephant

Reckless in its nonsensical pursuits, an extremist group is suing to grant an elephant human...

To Hunt or Not to Hunt South Africa: That is the Question

Amid talks of government land confiscation, the author shares potential outcomes for white farmers and...

New Jersey Hunters Sue Governor Over Bear Hunting Ban

Gov. Murphy’s reckless move criminalizes science-based hunting as state bear populations escalate.

A Father’s Gift is All about Legacy

Opportunities to teach our children America’s core values are endless when you search for them...

NRA Mobilizes Against Escalating Social Media Death Threats to Hunters  

Animal rights extremists terrorize two more hunters despite that hunting is a legal, regulated activity.

Kenya Runs Out of Space for Wildlife Habitat

In the aftermath of Kenya’s disastrous 1977 hunting ban, will sustainable-use hunting be reinstated in...

NRA Helps to Stop BLM from Closing Monument to Target Shooting

The BLM almost shut down recreational shooting on a half million acres in Arizona.

FireDisc Fires Up to Help Fight MS

These NRA-member hunters’ line of outdoor cookers are ideal for your Labor Day hunting or...

Study Shows How to Stem Conservation Funding Declines

Data can help state agencies find new ways to recruit sportsmen to secure future conservation...

Wyoming Wolf Numbers Up Despite Delisting

A year after delisting, Wyoming’s wolf population is thriving, forcing the state to raise its...

Elk Expanding in Virginia

The benefit of hunters’ hard-earned conservation dollars strikes again as elk numbers continue to rise.

Workshop Touts NRA Research on Public Opinion of Hunting

The meeting signaled a step forward in promoting communication among hunting’s NGOs.
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