
Your search for nra hunters' leadership forum matched article(s).
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Wyoming Grizzly Kills Hunting Guide

Another Lower-48 grizzly attack ended in death, while the first hunt in decades stalls in...

NRA Mobilizes Against Escalating Social Media Death Threats to Hunters  

Animal rights extremists terrorize two more hunters despite that hunting is a legal, regulated activity.

Hockey Player and Anti-Hunters Face Off on Twitter over Grizzly

Former Toronto Maple Leaf center Tim Brent receives death threats on Twitter for grizzly post.

Judge Halts Grizzly Bear Hunts for Two More Weeks

Pressured by animal rights groups, a federal judge considers relisting healthy and recovered grizzly bear...

Why We Hunt Big Predators

Author Ron Spomer takes on the question the collective hunting community is so often asked...

Kenya Runs Out of Space for Wildlife Habitat

In the aftermath of Kenya’s disastrous 1977 hunting ban, will sustainable-use hunting be reinstated in...

Federal Judge Puts Grizzly Bear Hunts on Hold

A judge postpones the NRA- and SCI-backed hunts near Yellowstone a day before the season...

New Jersey Governor Bans Bear Hunting on Public Lands

As Governor Murphy panders to animal rights extremists, his latest move is the tip of...

NRA Helps to Stop BLM from Closing Monument to Target Shooting

The BLM almost shut down recreational shooting on a half million acres in Arizona.

FireDisc Fires Up to Help Fight MS

These NRA-member hunters’ line of outdoor cookers are ideal for your Labor Day hunting or...

Antis Force Washington State Judge to Halt Wolf Control

Animal rights extremist groups file suit, temporarily preventing the state from killing wolves preying on...

Hunters Set the Rules—and Hold Themselves Accountable

Hunting is often more akin to a religion than a sport, steeped in ethics.

How Do You Spell Conservationist? H-U-N-T-E-R!

Every conversation with a non-hunter is an opportunity to explain why hunting is conservation.

Minnesota’s Game Fair 2018 Sets Stage for Hunting Season

The two-weekend event marks one of America’s oldest hunting festivals.

How to Use the Mainstream Media to Save Hunting

The author says leave no media stone unturned in communicating with the American public about...

What Happened to Middle School Rifle Club?

Remember the good old days when kids were encouraged to enjoy mainstream hunting and shooting...

When Hunting Debates Pit Morals against Biology

If maintaining sustainable populations of all game species is the goal, isn’t the managed hunting...

Wyoming Wolf Numbers Up Despite Delisting

A year after delisting, Wyoming’s wolf population is thriving, forcing the state to raise its...

Elk Expanding in Virginia

The benefit of hunters’ hard-earned conservation dollars strikes again as elk numbers continue to rise.

Workshop Touts NRA Research on Public Opinion of Hunting

The meeting signaled a step forward in promoting communication among hunting’s NGOs.
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