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Federal Judge Puts Grizzly Bear Hunts on Hold

A judge postpones the NRA- and SCI-backed hunts near Yellowstone a day before the season...

Hunter-Conservationists Transplant 24 Lions to Mozambique

The move from South Africa to Mozambique recovers a healthy lion population and adds 2.5...

When Hunting Debates Pit Morals against Biology

If maintaining sustainable populations of all game species is the goal, isn’t the managed hunting...

Cougar and Grizzly Hunts Show Role of Legal, Regulated Hunting

New predator hunting opportunities underscore hunting’s effectiveness as a wildlife management tool.

Black Bear Attacks on the Rise in Colorado

Colorado says be “bear aware” as human-bear conflicts escalate.

Lion Kills One Man, Injures Another in Washington State

On Saturday, a mountain lion killed one mountain biker and mauled another near Seattle.

Court Rules for Alaska, Strikes Down Anti-Hunting Group’s Lawsuit

NRA-ILA says permitting Alaska to manage its own wildlife is a huge win for hunters...

“How Wolves Change Rivers” Video is a Myth

The 4-minute, 33-second anti-wolf-hunting video is packed with glaring errors and deliberate tricks.

Boone and Crockett Club Says HSUS Confused over Fair Chase

A recent HSUS blog post misrepresents the Club’s position on fair chase when contests place...

Anti-Bear-Hunting Billboard Targets Yellowstone Park

The antis’ latest spin aims to cover up the truth about rising bear numbers.

Are Great Lakes Wolves Next Up for Delisting?

Following Wyoming’s victory for science-based wolf management, the focus now shifts to the current Senate...

Why the Federal Court Upheld Delisting Wyoming Wolves

With populations now recovered, the U.S. Court of Appeals acted on science-based wildlife management on...

Are Texas’ Wild Hogs “Kaput” Following Approval of Pesticide?

Is the Lone Star state headed for a hog apocalypse now that it just approved...

House Revokes Rule Seizing Alaska’s Wildlife Management Authority

The NRA-supported joint resolution overturns the USFWS’ highly-contested rule stripping away Alaska’s right to manage...

Arizona Bill to Ban Cougar and Bobcat Hunting

A new threat to Arizona’s hunting and conservation heritage looms as an HSUS-backed bill is...

Alaska Sues Feds Over New USFWS Hunting Regs

Pushing back against the federal government’s blatant overreach, Alaska sues the outgoing Obama administration over...

Meet the Professional Shooters the Media Hates

Here’s a fact most anti-hunters miss: Just as American hunters are necessary wildlife management tools,...

Hunting's Five Formidable Foes

As anti-hunters try to end hunting across America, isn’t it time we identify the enemy...

California Extremists Use “Rewilding” to Shut Down Hunting

The latest tactic of anti-hunters in the Golden State is to disguise their extremist agenda...

Predator Control is Game Management

When it comes to the importance of predator control, here's why it is a key...
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