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NRA is the Talk of the Town at 2017 HSC Convention, Jan. 13-15

A recent article makes news at the HSC show and confirms what we hunters have...

African Lions Benefit from Hunting

An African PH explains why sustainable lion hunting is the key to the species' future.

Feds Paying Sharpshooters to Cull Deer at Maryland Battlefields

Passing on the hunting tradition includes teaching about threats to hunting’s future as feds opt...

USFWS Bans Captive-Bred Lion Trophy Imports from South Africa

The USFWS announced the end of all trophy imports of captive-bred lions from South Africa,...

Hunters Contribute $426 Million to African Economy

Latest study affirms hunting tourism as a driving force in wildlife conservation and in boosting...

American Hunters Present United Front at SCI Convention

Don't miss the special Friday session at the 2016 SCI Hunters' Convention as hunters work...

SCI to Address Recent Listing of African Lion Under Endangered Species Act

With the recent listing of the African lion on the Endangered Species Act, the U.S....
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