
Your search for anti-poaching matched article(s).
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Leveraging Lies: How the Antis Spun Cecil

A year after news broke about an African lion named Cecil, anti-hunters continue to use...

Trophy Hunting Decreases Illegal Trade in Bushmeat

Communities across Africa have trophy hunters and local outfitters to thank for spurring a crackdown...

Tanzania Recognizes U.S. Safari Company for Pumping Millions into Conservation

Chalk up another win for the U.S. home team as Texas' Friedkin Family Companies showcase...

Anti-Hunters Pushing Trophy Import Bans in NJ and Surrounding States

As animal rights groups lobby for "Cecil’s Laws" in several northeastern states, here is the...

Facts Show Hunting Is Conservation at NYC Debate

Despite being significantly outnumbered by supporters of groups like the HSUS, hunters rallied in the...

Houston Chronicle Errs in Tying Hunters to the Illegal Wildlife Trade

As the world’s No. 1 conservationists, hunters view every day as World Wildlife Day, yet...

Trophy Hunting Is Good for Conservation, Says IUCN Report

The April 2016 report from the International Union for Conservation of Nature is a must...

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Crushes More Than a Ton of Confiscated Ivory

The U.S. Department of the Interior on June 19 convened in New York City’s Times...

USFWS Approves Two Black Rhino Imports from Namibia

Officials stand their ground in saying Namibia’s black rhino hunting program goes far to ensure...
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