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Biden-Harris Administration Cuts Off Access to Federal Lands, Aims to Ban Shooting at Bears Ears National Monument

Its plan hinders hunters and target shooters and their conservation funding efforts.

Washington Is Latest State to Confirm Chronic Wasting Disease in Deer

The state is No. 35 to join the CWD Club and implement a management plan.

Bogus Princeton University Study Links Violent Crime to Start of Deer Season

The study’s cherry-picked data blames gun violence in rural America on deer hunting.

Freedom Hunters Remembers 13 Afghanistan-Withdrawal Fallen as America Marks Anniversary of Terrorist Attack

A Marine who survived the terrorist bombing at Kabul airport shares a firsthand account.

How Hunters Fund Africa’s Anti-Poaching Efforts: The Story of Mozambique’s Coutada 11

Hunters’ dollars aid conservation and thwart poaching worldwide.

Trust the Science: U.S. House Votes to Delist the Recovered Gray Wolf

Removing wolves’ federal protections would return their management to the states.

Celebrating Tradition: NRA Members Win 2023 Lander One Shot Antelope Hunt

The unique event celebrates eight decades of camaraderie and the pioneer spirit.

Hunting Technology and Hunting Regs: The Push to Keep Pace with Innovation

Laws often lag behind technology such as that of Federal Premium’s FireStick.

Oregon Study Results in Ad Campaign to Increase Public Awareness of Poaching

The campaign website generated more than 5 million views in the first 90 days.

NRA-Sponsored SCI Diana Award Presented to Siri Campbell-Fossel at SCI Show

She credits SCI for giving her an understanding of hunting’s role in conservation.

Hungary and Beyond: 87-Year-Old Béla Hidvégi’s Journey into Hunting and Wildlife Conservation

Here’s how one hunter continues to make a difference on conservation’s world stage.

Hunting and Cultural Acceptance: Parallels between the American and European Experience

Hunters in Belgium and Spain join us in enhancing hunting’s public support.

Hunters’ Dollars Sustain Wild Sheep into the Future at 2024 Sheep Show in Reno

True to form, hunters give with their hearts—and their checkbooks.

Smoke and Mirrors: Newsweek Article Exposed for False Claim That Hunting Harms the Environment

A wildlife biologist touts the role of legal, regulated hunting in wildlife management.

Hunters Working for Hunters: The NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum Website’s Year in Review

Here’s a rundown of some of the biggest issues that impacted hunters in 2023.

Michigan Looking to Reinstate Wolf Hunt If Species Is Delisted

The state’s Natural Resources Commission aims to control growing wolf populations.

Ducks and Dassies: It’s What’s for Dinner

Thank you, hunters, for feeding those less fortunate worldwide.

USFWS Rule Would Ban Use of Lead Ammo on New Wildlife Refuge Hunting Opportunities

The move ignores wildlife science and poses costly barriers to hunting participation.

NRA Fighting National Refuge Lead Ban in Federal Court

Backing hunters, the NRA aims to thwart the Biden administration’s lead ammo ban plans.

Why We Hunt: Creating Lifelong Memories Near Reba’s Place

Our fondest memories are often of the hunts where we rose to the challenge.
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