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A Hearty Welcome to America’s Newest Frontline Conservationists

Here’s how hunters fund wildlife conservation into the future.

Two National Conservation Groups Showcase Hunters’ Dollars at Work

Here are just two examples of the extent to which hunters invest in conservation.

South Dakota Is Latest State to Make NRA’s Free, Online Hunter Ed Course Available

Thanks, NRA, for creating a course hunters can access 24/7 and free of charge.

Gun Owners, Hunters and Shooters Overwhelmingly Support North American Wildlife Conservation

A new study points to how sportsmen continue to fund the bulk of conservation.

Minnesota DNR Bans Lead Ammo on Some Public Hunting Areas, Federal Ammo Issues Letter Supporting Hunters

Minnesota-based Federal Ammunition stands with hunters in the name of science.

Native American Fish and Wildlife Society is the Newest Recruit to NRA’s Online Hunter Education Course

The NAFWS is now offering the free NRA program to all of its tribal members.

Hunters and Beyond: NRA Women Are All Under One Roof

Thank you, NRA, for supporting us in our quest to exercise our freedoms.

Gun Control Bills Could Doom Hunting and Wildlife Conservation in the Centennial State

Colorado is targeting Second Amendment freedoms and the firearms industry.

Another Group Petitions Feds to Ban Lead Ammo on Public Lands

Sidestepping science, the real goal is to hinder participation in hunting and shooting.

Nevada Study Says Hunters Generate Millions for State’s Rural Economies

A university study reveals hunting’s economic importance statewide.

The Gift That Keeps Giving: NRA’s Hunter Education Course Generates $173,911 for Tennessee Conservation Efforts

The state will use funds to bolster its fish and wildlife conservation efforts.

Happy Birthday, Pittman-Robertson Act: Celebrating 85 Years of American Hunter-Backed Conservation

Would the whitetail deer or turkey have survived if not for hunters’ dollars?

How a House Repeal of the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act Would Harm Wildlife and Sportsmen

Rather than decrease crime, H.R. 2814 would negatively impact conservation funding.

NRA, American Wildlife Conservation Partners Stand with Sportsmen Against “Assault Weapons” Ban Legislation

The coalition urges House leaders to oppose the unconstitutional legislation.

Pittman-Robertson Contributions Now Top $15 Billion for Wildlife Conservation

The firearm industry continues to do its part for conservation and then some.

NRA Presents Check for $122,720 to Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation

Here’s another reason Oklahoma appreciates NRA’s free online hunter education course.

Virginia Sunday Hunting Measure Sent to Governor

The bill expands hunter access to public lands and bolsters the state’s economy.

Where Our Taxes Go: Pittman-Robertson Funds for Wildlife Conservation Featured in New Video

Thanks hunters, anglers and shooters for funding the bulk of conservation.

Kansas Accepts NRA’s Free Online Hunter Education Course

The NRA invested $3 million to create its state-of-the-art curriculum.

NRA’s Peter Churchbourne is Florida’s Hunter Safety Instructor of the Year

Florida is delivering free online hunter education, thanks to the NRA.
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