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U.S. House Reintroduces Legislation to Delist the Recovered Gray Wolf

The move on Jan. 31 aims to ensure federal resources go to species in peril.

Biden Administration Reverses Proposal Banning Shooting at Bears Ears National Monument

The NRA, its millions of members and partners are committed to preserving freedom.

Biden Administration Says No to Delisting Recovered Grizzlies During Final Days in Office

It favors a new proposed rule changing the approach to the species’ recovery.

Environmental Groups Win Small Victory on Lead Ban at West Virginia Refuge

Hunters must remain vigilant as extremists continue push to ban lead ammunition.

NRA Warns Maine Hunters of State Lawmakers’ Plans to Target Hunting Rights

Anti-hunting measures could hinder the state’s hunting traditions and its economy.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Welcomes Public Input to Enhance Access to Federal Lands

Comment by the Jan. 16 deadline to help create more outdoor opportunities for us all.

Wyoming Hunter Shares Experience with Feeding the Needy as Gov. Gordon Proclaims Wild Game Meat Donation Month

The move is timed with the NRA’s national celebration of hunters feeding the hungry.

NRA, Others Protest Shooting Ban at Bears Ear National Monument

The ban thwarts shooting sports and wildlife conservation funding opportunities alike.

NRA, American Hunters and Multiple U.S. Governors Celebrate National Wild Game Meat Donation Month in November

Nine governors are saluting Hunters for the Hungry groups through official proclamations.

Partners in Conservation: How This Wildlife Biologist Uses Hunters’ Dollars to Aid Wildlife

State wildlife agencies rely on hunters’ excise taxes and other fees to fund conservation.

Biden-Harris Administration Cuts Off Access to Federal Lands, Aims to Ban Shooting at Bears Ears National Monument

Its plan hinders hunters and target shooters and their conservation funding efforts.

Hunter-Driven Pittman-Robertson Act Provides Nearly $1 Billion in Conservation Funding in 2024

Thank you, sportsmen and women, for paying to sustain our fish and wildlife species.

Washington Is Latest State to Confirm Chronic Wasting Disease in Deer

The state is No. 35 to join the CWD Club and implement a management plan.

New Report Shows Duck Numbers Up for First Time in Nearly a Decade

Wigeons top the list of species with populations up 55% over last year.

A Hearty Welcome to America’s Newest Frontline Conservationists

Here’s how hunters fund wildlife conservation into the future.

Colorado Predator Wars: First Wolves, Now Cats as Extremists Aim to Put Cat Hunting Ban on November Ballot

‘Ballot-box biology’ bypasses wildlife science and the legislative and regulatory process.

Two National Conservation Groups Showcase Hunters’ Dollars at Work

Here are just two examples of the extent to which hunters invest in conservation.

Trust the Science: U.S. House Votes to Delist the Recovered Gray Wolf

Removing wolves’ federal protections would return their management to the states.

U.S. House Passes Measure Protecting Lead Ammo Use

Will the U.S. Senate also stand with American hunters and pass its companion bill?
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