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The Evolution of Hunter Recruitment: Embracing the R3 Movement

Efforts to recruit, retain and reactivate hunters can halt hunting participation’s decline.

The Year in Review: The NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum Website’s Top News Stories of 2024

As we kick off the new year, here are the issues we faced in 2024.

Impact of Colorado’s Wolf Reintroduction on Elk and Livestock

Will the apex predator eventually devastate the state’s elk herds?

Virginia Gov. Youngkin Champions Hunters for the Hungry, Proclaims November Wild Game Meat Donation Month

The declaration is in step with the NRA and National Wild Game Meat Donation Month.

Louisiana Gov. Landry Stands with NRA and Hunters, Declares November Wild Game Meat Donation Month

The act coincides with the NRA’s annual national celebration of Hunters for the Hungry.

NRA, American Hunters and Multiple U.S. Governors Celebrate National Wild Game Meat Donation Month in November

Nine governors are saluting Hunters for the Hungry groups through official proclamations.

Bogus Princeton University Study Links Violent Crime to Start of Deer Season

The study’s cherry-picked data blames gun violence in rural America on deer hunting.

Heroes, Hunting and Healing: The Trinity Oaks Experience

Hunt participant Rachel DeHoyos says the faith-based organization changed her life.

Why Your Kids Don’t Hunt

Barriers to getting kids into hunting ultimately threaten how we pay for conservation.

My Journey Into Hunting

The author credits hunting with instilling a sense of pride and enhancing family ties.

Why Exposure and Interaction with Nature Is a First Step to Hunter Recruitment

Our childhood encounters with wildlife reveal our connection to all living things.

Former ASPCA CEO Blows Whistle on Group’s Fiscal Mismanagement and Lack of Ethics

The ASPCA hoards donations intended to aid local pet shelters.

More Consumers Relying on Hunting to Sidestep Rising Food Costs

Inflation is driving Americans to find ways to lower grocery bills.

Rhode Island Applauds Hunting's Role in Wildlife Conservation and Deer Management

Hunters are respectful, cost-effective stewards of the state’s wildlife resources.

The NRA and Researcher Mark Damian Duda: Teaming Up to Ensure Hunting’s Cultural Acceptance

The benefit is groundbreaking research and a book on how to talk about hunting.

Hungary and Beyond: 87-Year-Old Béla Hidvégi’s Journey into Hunting and Wildlife Conservation

Here’s how one hunter continues to make a difference on conservation’s world stage.

Wisconsin First-Time Buyers Get Hunting License Price Break

The savings is for new and lapsed hunters—residents and nonresidents alike.

Smoke and Mirrors: Newsweek Article Exposed for False Claim That Hunting Harms the Environment

A wildlife biologist touts the role of legal, regulated hunting in wildlife management.

Hunters Working for Hunters: The NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum Website’s Year in Review

Here’s a rundown of some of the biggest issues that impacted hunters in 2023.

A Young Hunter's Connection with the Natural World

Fifty years later, the author's childhood experiences drive his conservation ethic.
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