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Budget Woes Could Slow Wolf Reintroductions on Colorado’s Western Slope

Delaying more wolf releases could save the state general fund budget $2.1 million.

Texas Gov. Abbott Joins NRA in Promoting How Hunters Are Fighting Hunger in Texas and Across America

He stands with hunters and proclaims November Wild Game Meat Donation Month.

Impact of Colorado’s Wolf Reintroduction on Elk and Livestock

Will the apex predator eventually devastate the state’s elk herds?

Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission Faces Controversy with New Anti-Hunting Appointees

Anti-hunting agendas ultimately undermine a state wildlife agency’s conservation goals.

Colorado Voters to Decide Fate of Proposed Cat Hunting Ban on Nov. 5

Ballot-box biology discards the vital role of professional biologists and wildlife managers.

Partners in Conservation: How This Wildlife Biologist Uses Hunters’ Dollars to Aid Wildlife

State wildlife agencies rely on hunters’ excise taxes and other fees to fund conservation.

Biden-Harris Administration Cuts Off Access to Federal Lands, Aims to Ban Shooting at Bears Ears National Monument

Its plan hinders hunters and target shooters and their conservation funding efforts.

NRA Says New Massachusetts Law Will Negatively Impact Hunters

The NRA’s lobbying arm is set to challenge the law’s unconstitutional restrictions.

Colorado Predator Wars: First Wolves, Now Cats as Extremists Aim to Put Cat Hunting Ban on November Ballot

‘Ballot-box biology’ bypasses wildlife science and the legislative and regulatory process.

NRA Show’s Women's Leadership Forum Gala Draws Sold-Out Crowd as Hunters and Shooters Stand with NRA to Secure American Freedom

Keynote speaker Fox News’ Pete Hegseth stands with us as a voice in protecting freedom.

How Hillsdale College’s Nimrod Education Center and Wildlife Law Courses Are Preparing the Next Generation

Teaching hunting’s conservation role impacts future legislative and wildlife court decisions.

Trust the Science: U.S. House Votes to Delist the Recovered Gray Wolf

Removing wolves’ federal protections would return their management to the states.

Celebrating Tradition: NRA Members Win 2023 Lander One Shot Antelope Hunt

The unique event celebrates eight decades of camaraderie and the pioneer spirit.

Partners in Conservation: NRA and Boone and Crockett Club Team Up to Launch Free Online Fair Chase and Hunter Ethics Course

The course underscores the central role of fair chase and hunter ethics in hunting.

NRA-Sponsored SCI Diana Award Presented to Siri Campbell-Fossel at SCI Show

She credits SCI for giving her an understanding of hunting’s role in conservation.

Smoke and Mirrors: Newsweek Article Exposed for False Claim That Hunting Harms the Environment

A wildlife biologist touts the role of legal, regulated hunting in wildlife management.

A Young Hunter's Connection with the Natural World

Fifty years later, the author's childhood experiences drive his conservation ethic.

The Federal Duck Stamp Goes Electric!

The legislation awaits the president’s signature, making it easier for hunters to go afield.

Mother of Six Champions Lifechanging First Hunt

Providing nutritious protein for the family cements a schoolteacher’s love of hunting.

Latest Fatal Grizzly Bear Attack Underscores Need for Species’ Management through Hunting

A woman's death in Montana is a wake-up call to cut growing bear populations.
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