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Support Your Favorite Hunting Charity While You Shop

Your online holiday gift buying can support pro-hunting organizations like The NRA Foundation.

NRA and SAF Sue to Protect Washington State Hunters and Gun Owners

Washington Ballot Initiative I-1639 attacks hunters’ Second Amendment rights.

Hunters Notch Conservation Victories in Midterm Elections

Big winners—and losers—resulted from Americans’ most recent trip to the ballot box.

Why I Tell Non-Hunters that I Love What I Kill

Engage non-hunters by explaining the emotional connection to the outdoors and the game we hunt.

Facebook Pulls Democrats’ Shady Ads Suppressing Hunters’ Votes

Following backlash from the NRA and hunters, Facebook yanked North Dakota democrats’ fraudulent ads.

15 Scary Anti-Hunting Organizations to Watch

Hunters Beware: These groups seek to eradicate all hunting.

R3 Symposium Narrows Outdoor Community’s Focus and Needs

The national “recruitment, retention and reactivation” event outlined steps to reverse the decline in hunter...

Colorado’s Hug a Hunter Ads Spreads the News to Non-Hunters

The positive pro-hunting TV ads are transforming the hunting landscape.

Take a Stand against the Virtual Lynch Mob

Expose animal rights extremists’ claims and talk with those in the middle about hunting.

Club Calls Out Rhode Island Town after Coyote Kills Terrier

A terrier club formally expresses outrage after an acclimated coyote kills a dog.

NRA Mobilizes Against Escalating Social Media Death Threats to Hunters  

Animal rights extremists terrorize two more hunters despite that hunting is a legal, regulated activity.

Hockey Player and Anti-Hunters Face Off on Twitter over Grizzly

Former Toronto Maple Leaf center Tim Brent receives death threats on Twitter for grizzly post.

Antis Force Washington State Judge to Halt Wolf Control

Animal rights extremist groups file suit, temporarily preventing the state from killing wolves preying on...

Study Shows How to Stem Conservation Funding Declines

Data can help state agencies find new ways to recruit sportsmen to secure future conservation...

Hunters Set the Rules—and Hold Themselves Accountable

Hunting is often more akin to a religion than a sport, steeped in ethics.

How Do You Spell Conservationist? H-U-N-T-E-R!

Every conversation with a non-hunter is an opportunity to explain why hunting is conservation.

How to Use the Mainstream Media to Save Hunting

The author says leave no media stone unturned in communicating with the American public about...

Washington Post Gets It Right on Wyoming Grizzly Bear Hunt

The facts don’t lie as again we see the hunter’s crucial role in conservation.

Why Hunters Are Critical to Reducing Wildlife Crime

Integrating hunters’ input in policy decisions is America’s key to addressing international wildlife trafficking.

Alabama’s Adult Mentored Hunting Program Shines

New and less experienced hunters are enjoying the opportunity to get in the game alongside...
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