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Predator Control is Game Management

When it comes to the importance of predator control, here's why it is a key...

Hunters' Contributions to U.S. Wildlife Conservation

The definitive paper compiling American hunters' contributions to wildlife conservation.

20 Reasons Why Hunting is Conservation

In 1900, only 500,000 whitetails remained in North America. Thanks to conservation work spearheaded by...

Who Really Cares About Conservation?

Hunters pay for conservation while anti-hunting extremists raise funds for emotional appeals that obfuscate facts.

Increasing Gun Sales Benefit Wildlife

Booming gun sales across America are paying dividends—literally—for our wildlife resources.

NRA Helps to Put Right to Hunt on Indiana Ballot

Hoosier State hunters can secure their hunting rights by voting for the NRA-backed Right to...

How to Tap Into Private Lands for Public Hunting

Need a Place to Hunt? Don’t overlook the increasing number of states now offering private-land-access...

Death Threats Expose Hypocrisy of Anti-Hunters

Whether death threats via social media, dismemberment wishes from commenters on articles, or the sickening...

Tanzania Recognizes U.S. Safari Company for Pumping Millions into Conservation

Chalk up another win for the U.S. home team as Texas' Friedkin Family Companies showcase...

Dispelling the Myth about No Hunting on National Parks

Many hunters believe that hunting is banned on all national parks, but the truth is,...

Why an Alaskan Moose Hunter’s Supreme Court Win Matters

The fact the U.S. Supreme Court chose to hear one hunter’s case out of thousands...

How We Taxpayers Are Funding Anti-Hunting Group’s Attorney Fees

In lawsuit after lawsuit, here is how tax-exempt anti-hunting extremist groups are making the U.S....

Missouri’s Plan to Control Feral Hogs Doesn’t Include Hunters

The state's proposed changes could ban hog hunting on 2.5 million acres of public land.

NRA-Backed Sportsmen’s Heritage and Recreational Enhancement Act Passes in House

The Sportsmen's Heritage and Recreational Enhancement (SHARE) Act passes in the House and heads for...

Zimbabwe Park May Cull 200-Plus African Lions as Drop in Hunter Numbers Stems Species' Overpopulation

What is the fate of a wildlife species—game and non-game alike—when its population becomes unsustainable?

First Light: The North American Model Of Wildlife Conservation

Did you know it was hunters who launched the most successful wildlife management program worldwide?

NRA Heralds Introduction of Bipartisan Sportmen's Act of 2015

Feb. 5 marked a great day for sportsmen across America as critical pro-hunting legislation hit...
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