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NRA Fights to Save Hunting’s Future at 2017 NRA Show

With lawful hunting under attack, NRA rallies the troops at its NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum...

Time Magazine Errs, Hunting Helps Wildlife!

Time conveniently confuses poaching with hunting and ignores the fact that without hunting there is...

Antis Push USFWS to List Giraffes as Endangered

Five anti-hunting extremist groups have petitioned the USFWS to list giraffes as endangered and shut...

Listing Leopards as Endangered Could Mean Extinction

The facts show leopards are not endangered—despite what anti-hunters want you to believe.

NRA’s Childress is National Hunting and Fishing Day Chair

Richard Childress will lead the charge in celebrating American sportsmen’s biggest day of the year.

Ringling Brothers to Shut Down Circus

After years of being under siege from animal welfare extremists, Ringling Brothers says it will...

The Dirty Dozen Threats to Hunting: 21st Century Implications for Recruitment, Retention, and Reactivation

The latest report from Responsive Management on the 12 leading threats to hunting in the...

African Lions Benefit from Hunting

An African PH explains why sustainable lion hunting is the key to the species' future.

Hunters with Special Circumstances: Five Groups Providing Assistance

American hunters and anglers may not be aware of the many programs that various sporting...

California Extremists Use “Rewilding” to Shut Down Hunting

The latest tactic of anti-hunters in the Golden State is to disguise their extremist agenda...

Ignorance Is Not Bliss Regarding Hunting and Conservation

Some say ignorance is bliss, but it’s a major threat to hunting and wildlife conservation.

The Role of the Hunter and the Gun in Wildlife Conservation

Without the American hunter and his gun, wildlife conservation simply does not exist.

Saturday Marks 44th Annual National Hunting and Fishing Day

Proclaimed "National Hunting and Fishing Day," Sept. 24 lauds sportsmen for the billions of dollars...

Pennsylvania Says Hunting is Key to Deer Management

Highlighting hunting as a necessary form of wildlife management, Pennsylvania amends its deer-control application process...

Hunters' Contributions to U.S. Wildlife Conservation

The definitive paper compiling American hunters' contributions to wildlife conservation.

DSC and American Hunters Funding Africa's Anti-Poaching Units

The fact that the hunter-based Dallas Safari Club is providing grant monies in support of...

Love Animals? Then Don't Donate to HSUS!

Don't be duped. Here are yet more reasons to go around the HSUS by supporting...

Leveraging Lies: How the Antis Spun Cecil

A year after news broke about an African lion named Cecil, anti-hunters continue to use...

Reintroduce Cougars to Curb Deer Numbers?

Introduce mountain lions to cut the East’s burgeoning deer populations? How many ways could that...

Why Africa Matters to American Hunters

If you think hunting issues in Africa don't impact on hunting in America, think again.
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