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Hunters, Shooters and Anglers Paying a Record $1.5 Billion for Conservation in 2022

The Interior Department says the funding secures wildlife and their habitats.

Colorado Lawmakers Vote 4-1 to Shut Down Cat Hunting Ban

The anti-hunting measure is tabled ... for now.

Colorado Bill to Ban Cat Hunting and Trapping set for Thursday Hearing

It would be illegal to hunt or trap any cat unless protecting humans or livestock.

Idaho Governor, Public Officials Nationwide Honor National Hunting and Fishing Day

The NRA joins the celebration of sportsmen’s conservation legacy.

Anti-hunters and Legislators Attack National Park Service over Management of Bison

Extremists push a costly, non-lethal solution, but who will pay for it?

How the Interstate Wildlife Violators Compact Makes Poachers Pay

It tracks wildlife violations and underscores how poaching IS NOT hunting.

New Jersey To Ban Urine-Based Deer Attractants This Fall

Here’s another reason to double-check the regulations for any state you hunt.

Surge in Illegal Immigration Activity Hurts Texas Ranchers, Hunters and Outfitters

Are you safe under the Biden administration’s U.S.-Mexico border policies?

Disaster and Deliverance for Antelope Island’s Bighorn Sheep

Here’s how KUIU and hunters partnered to restore the Utah island herd.

Montana Votes No on Proposed New Bow Law

The bowhunting community’s 40-plus-year debate over bow let-off continues.

Mountain Goats: A Wilderness Icon On the Way Out?

Here's how the species' story has come up against its own success.

Mountain Dew Spending $100K Helping Outdoorsmen Buy Hunting and Fishing Licenses

The “Out Here It’s Dew” campaign gives $20 toward 5,000 outdoorsmen’s 2020 licenses.

Colorado Hunting/Fishing License Needed to Enter State Wildlife Areas

On July 1, campers and backpackers will pay their share to access state wildlife areas.

Empty Shelves in Meat Sections Bring on Rush of New Hunters

People finally realize meat is not made at the grocery store.

NRA-ILA Partners with Colorado Stop the Wolf Coalition

NRA-ILA backs wildlife professionals in fight over animal rights extremists’ wolf ballot initiative.

Woman Attacked by Mountain Lion in Colorado RV Park

Despite increased human-cat encounters, the state has failed to implement predator control.

Hunters to Help Cut Elk Numbers in S.D. National Park

Hunters aid science-based wildlife management to stem CWD at Wind Cave National Park.

Shop Your State Wildlife Agency for Last-Minute Gifts

You might find that ideal present while supporting your state’s wild game department.

Study Shows Americans Shifting Away from Wildlife Realities

Urban lifestyles and shrinking rural populations are shifting public values toward wildlife.
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