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Harvesting Memories: Thanksgiving Afield

Today we give thanks for the blessings of family, friends and our outdoor traditions.

Helicopter Gunners to Kill off Catalina Island Mule Deer Herd

The plan aims to eradicate the island’s 2,000 deer to save the ecosystem.

NRA Hunters' Leadership Forum Donates $100K to America’s Hunters for the Hungry Programs

The NRA supports the hunter-backed groups fighting hunger across America.

European Hunters Working to Enhance Hunting’s Cultural Acceptance

As the NRA explains, improving public perception of hunting is key to its future.

U.S. House Resolution Aims to Halt Federal Lead Ammo Bans

Standing with science, the move works to shut down bans that hinder hunting.

NRA and Boone and Crockett Club Partner to Promote Fair Chase and Hunter Ethics

The duo will launch a free online Fair Chase Hunter Ethics course in 2024.

Feds Reject Anti-Hunting Group's Lead Ammo Ban Demands

The decision foils extremists’ push to eradicate traditional ammunition… for now.

Native American Fish and Wildlife Society is the Newest Recruit to NRA’s Online Hunter Education Course

The NAFWS is now offering the free NRA program to all of its tribal members.

Minnesota Deer Hunters Association to Skip 2023 Governor’s Deer Opener

It says Gov. Walz’s policies are at odds with deer hunting and conservation.

Hogapalooza! Louisiana Hunters for the Hungry Program Aims to Ease Feral Swine Bomb

Cutting hog numbers while helping those less fortunate is a win-win for all.

Hunters and Beyond: NRA Women Are All Under One Roof

Thank you, NRA, for supporting us in our quest to exercise our freedoms.

Appeal Filed in Challenge to California’s Anti-Hunting, Anti-Shooting Sports Law

NRA aims to prevent AB 2571 from destroying the state’s hunting heritage.

Gun Control Bills Could Doom Hunting and Wildlife Conservation in the Centennial State

Colorado is targeting Second Amendment freedoms and the firearms industry.

NRA Employee Resurrects Local Hunters for the Hungry Program to Feed the Needy

Hunter Marc Peugeot got an NRA grant and began recruiting meat processors.

Freedom Hunters: Giving Back to America’s Veterans through Hunting and the Great Outdoors

The founder shares how the nonprofit fosters healing by saluting those who serve.

Wile E. Coyote on the East Coast, the West Coast—and Everywhere in Between

Even Massachusetts says to beware of aggressive coyotes this mating season.

6 Reasons NRA’s Great American Outdoor Show is Must-See

With 1,000+ exhibitors, the world’s largest outdoor show makes your dreams come true.

A Bobcat for Mama

The author’s hunt stirred thoughts of his mother, who passed away that very day.

This Christmas: Hunt Down Hunger!

Farmers and Hunters Feeding the Hungry need our support now more than ever.

Feral “Swine Bomb” Explodes Across Louisiana

A study shows the state’s 1.2 million feral hogs cause $91 million in annual damages.
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