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Safety, Hearing Protection and Reduced Recoil: Hunting with Suppressed Firearms

Their benefits include decreased muzzle report and increased shooting accuracy.

Hunting and Shooting Sports Alert: Take Action to Oppose Shooting Access Closure in Arizona by Mar. 22

Here’s how American hunters and shooters can act to protect their rights.

Hunting and Cultural Acceptance: Parallels between the American and European Experience

Hunters in Belgium and Spain join us in enhancing hunting’s public support.

Wisconsin First-Time Buyers Get Hunting License Price Break

The savings is for new and lapsed hunters—residents and nonresidents alike.

Hunters Working for Hunters: The NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum Website’s Year in Review

Here’s a rundown of some of the biggest issues that impacted hunters in 2023.

A Young Hunter's Connection with the Natural World

Fifty years later, the author's childhood experiences drive his conservation ethic.

The Federal Duck Stamp Goes Electric!

The legislation awaits the president’s signature, making it easier for hunters to go afield.

University of Montana’s Wild Sustenance Class Offers College Credit for Learning to Hunt

With RMEF support, the program is opening doors to hunting and conservation.

A Thanksgiving Thank You to the National Wild Turkey Federation for 50 Years of Conservation Success

We salute the NWTF for restoring populations of our No. 1 holiday gamebird.

Helicopter Gunners to Kill off Catalina Island Mule Deer Herd

The plan aims to eradicate the island’s 2,000 deer to save the ecosystem.

USFWS Rule Would Ban Use of Lead Ammo on New Wildlife Refuge Hunting Opportunities

The move ignores wildlife science and poses costly barriers to hunting participation.

Biden Reverses Course, Signs Measure to Restore School Funding for Hunting and Archery Programs

Is it sinking in that he can’t eradicate America’s hunting and outdoor traditions?

Congress Slaps Down Biden’s Funding Cuts to Schools with Archery, Hunting Programs

The NRA stands its ground in protecting America’s hunting and outdoor heritage.

NRA Fighting National Refuge Lead Ban in Federal Court

Backing hunters, the NRA aims to thwart the Biden administration’s lead ammo ban plans.

NRA Hunters' Leadership Forum Donates $100K to America’s Hunters for the Hungry Programs

The NRA supports the hunter-backed groups fighting hunger across America.

European Hunters Working to Enhance Hunting’s Cultural Acceptance

As the NRA explains, improving public perception of hunting is key to its future.

Bias Unmasked: Biden Administration Cuts Federal Funds for School Hunting and Archery Programs

Stunning even for Biden, the move crushes freedom to destroy our way of life.

Drop in Hunter Numbers Spurs Focus on Hunting’s Cultural Acceptance

Talking with non-hunters about hunting is the first step to securing its future.

Biden Administration Proposes Lead Ammunition Ban at Eight National Wildlife Refuges

Here’s the latest example of the administration’s underlying agenda.
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