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Watchdog Group Exposes Anti-Hunting ASPCA Finances and Fundraising Schemes

The Center for the Environment and Welfare says beware of the ASPCA.

Waterfowl Hunter Numbers in Decline across North America

Promoting hunting’s role in conservation funding is more important than ever.

Congress Slaps Down Biden’s Funding Cuts to Schools with Archery, Hunting Programs

The NRA stands its ground in protecting America’s hunting and outdoor heritage.

Colorado Ballot Initiative Would Ban Mountain Lion Hunting

A ballot measure is scheduled for a review and public comment hearing on Oct. 6.

NRA, Partners Oppose Feds’ Attempt to Remove USFWS Oversight of Federal Subsistence Board

Operating on the front lines as well as behind the scenes is what secures conservation.

NRA Wins Big Court Victory Against Proposed Kaibab National Forest Lead Ban

Supporting hunters, the court explained there is no justification for such a ban.

NRA Hunters' Leadership Forum Donates $100K to America’s Hunters for the Hungry Programs

The NRA supports the hunter-backed groups fighting hunger across America.

Hunters Support Emergency Closure of Caribou Hunt in Alaska GMU 13

Legal, regulated hunting is scientifically managed to ensure health of the species.

European Hunters Working to Enhance Hunting’s Cultural Acceptance

As the NRA explains, improving public perception of hunting is key to its future.

The Truth About Transmission of the COVID-19 Virus Between Wild Deer and Humans

Scientific evidence shows our probability of getting it from deer is actually very low.

Minnesota DNR Bans Lead Ammo on Some Public Hunting Areas, Federal Ammo Issues Letter Supporting Hunters

Minnesota-based Federal Ammunition stands with hunters in the name of science.

Media Champions Eddie Eagle-Like Gun Safety Message, Ignores NRA’s 35-Year Child Safety Program

Thanks, NRA, for investing in our children via the Eddie Eagle GunSafe program.

Proposed U.K. Ban on Legally Hunted Wildlife Imports Clears Another Hurdle

This is in spite of the fact science shows the move is bad for wildlife.

NFL Pro Carson Wentz under Fire for Killing Alaska Black Bear

Legal, regulated hunting remains a key to managing burgeoning wildlife populations.

NRA’s Karen Mehall Phillips Wins National POMA Writing Award

The NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum remains out front in saving hunting’s future.

Drop in Hunter Numbers Spurs Focus on Hunting’s Cultural Acceptance

Talking with non-hunters about hunting is the first step to securing its future.

NRA and Boone and Crockett Club Partner to Promote Fair Chase and Hunter Ethics

The duo will launch a free online Fair Chase Hunter Ethics course in 2024.

Connecticut Legislature Refuses to Institute Black Bear Hunt Despite Species’ Expanding Population

In the meantime, human-bear encounters are rising with no management tool in place.

Native American Fish and Wildlife Society is the Newest Recruit to NRA’s Online Hunter Education Course

The NAFWS is now offering the free NRA program to all of its tribal members.
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