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Volunteers are the Backbone of Hunter Education

Hunters who volunteer their time and knowledge to bring new hunters into the fold are...

NPR's Fake News: Antis’ Pseudo-Science Strives to Undermine Hunting

Distorting scientific evidence to try and end all hunting is tops in the animal rights...

Return of the Natives: Wisconsin Sets 2018 Season for Thriving Elk Herd

Following successful elk reintroduction efforts, 10 residents will participate in the state’s first elk hunt...

My Favorite Hunting Rifles All Start with “AR”

Semi-automatic, AR-style rifles are not the fully-automatic military machine guns anti-gunners profess.

Feral Hogs in the ’Burbs: Could Hunters Help?

As wild hogs overrun residential areas in Texas and the Southeast, hunters are the common...

Hunters: The Free Solution to Managing Urban Deer

To stem urban deer populations, some local governments are sidestepping hiring sharpshooters and letting hunters...

Game Meat Is Natural Choice for Hunting’s New Generation

Wisconsin’s Learn to Hunt for Food program is a hit as new hunters embrace a...

Wisconsin Bill Targets 60,000 Acres of Public Land

SB 775 is Wisconsin State Senator Risser’s latest in a string of state-level anti-hunting bills.

Lying PETA Generated Fake News over Fake Super Bowl Ad

Here’s more fake news, PETA style, as the animal rights group launches its latest lies.

Antis Threaten Violence Against Texas Hunter

Yet one more hunter learns firsthand how personal threats are part of the anti-hunters’ playbook.

NFL QB Carson Wentz Celebrates Hunting on Twitter

Philadelphia Eagles Quarterback Carson Wentz is proud to tout his love of Jesus and hunting...

Anti-Hunters Admit They Even Want to Ban Muzzleloaders

Anti-gunners are showing their hand as they work to ban muzzleloaders.

Hunters Are Biggest Winners in the Federal Duck Stamp Contest

The real winners of the Federal Duck Stamp Art Contest are the millions of hunters...

Hunters Lead Charge in Aiding Hurricane Relief Efforts

In the aftermath of the recent hurricanes, American hunters were first in line to help...

HSUS Pushes Arizona Cougar Hunting Ban via Ballot Box

With HSUS trying to end cougar hunting statewide, hunters must spread the word and vote...

Free NRA Online Hunter Ed Course Debuts in Florida

The Sunshine State is the first to tout the NRA’s free online hunter education course...

PETA Settles for $49,000 after Killing Girls’ Dog

PETA, the “Grim Reaper” of animal-shelter operators, killed a 9-year-old’s dog before the mandatory waiting...

Antis Sue to Overturn Wisconsin Anti-Hunter Harassment Law

Animal rights extremists are suing the State of Wisconsin over a new anti-hunter harassment law...

Hunters’ Dollars Are Backbone of Rural Economies

As we grill our tasty venison burgers this Independence Day, note that businesses nationwide are...

Newsweek Sides with Hunters

In the face of facts, Newsweek sees the pro-hunting light.
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