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Get Tickets for the NRA Show’s Annual Celebration of Hunting, April 13

Join S.D. Gov. Kristi Noem and the NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum in Indy.

State Constitutional Right to Hunt and Fish Amendment Coming to Oregon?

NRA hopes to see the measure added to the state’s ballot in 2024.

Voice of Leadership: Embracing Hunting’s Therapeutic Benefits

Time spent in nature aids our mental and physical health and our overall well-being.

Wyoming Bill Aims to Stop Private Landowners from Blocking Public Land Access

It protects private-landowner rights while keeping public lands open.

6 Reasons NRA’s Great American Outdoor Show is Must-See

With 1,000+ exhibitors, the world’s largest outdoor show makes your dreams come true.

Having Hunters’ Backs: The NRA HLF’s Year in Review

Here's a look back at 2022 as we continue reporting news from the hunting front.

A Bobcat for Mama

The author’s hunt stirred thoughts of his mother, who passed away that very day.

Washington Governor to Be Sued for Appointing Anti-Hunters to Wildlife Commission

Stacking the commission through biased appointments violates state code.

Black Death … in More Ways Than One

Once again, we see how hunter-backed operations help to sustain wildlife species.

Hillsdale College Honors Veterans with a Free Day of Shooting Sports

The campus’ world-class Halter Shooting Center gives back to those who served.

What’s With New Jersey’s Abysmal 2022 Black Bear Harvest?

Anti-hunters’ last minute legal challenge closed half of the weeklong season.

New Study Touts Impact of Hunting and Shooting Access on National R3 Movement

Land access issues directly affect those we seek to recruit, retain and reactivate.

Why Due Diligence Is Critical When Booking an Overseas Hunt

Planning that first safari? Here’s how to make sure it’s everything you dreamed.

Biden’s Assault on Semi-Autos Is an Attack on Hunters

The president is targeting some of America’s most popular hunting guns.

This Christmas: Hunt Down Hunger!

Farmers and Hunters Feeding the Hungry need our support now more than ever.

Anti-Gun Oregon Measure 114 on Hold… For Now

Standing with hunters and shooters, the NRA filed suit to challenge the measure.

Feral “Swine Bomb” Explodes Across Louisiana

A study shows the state’s 1.2 million feral hogs cause $91 million in annual damages.

A Hunter’s Horn for Katie

A deer hunt with Dad spurs a former vegetarian’s quest to be a hunter.

Another Group Petitions Feds to Ban Lead Ammo on Public Lands

Sidestepping science, the real goal is to hinder participation in hunting and shooting.

NRA Online Hunter Education Course Certifies 100,000th Hunter

The milestone is one more example of how the NRA meets hunters’ needs.
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