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Heading for the Hills? Beware of Dehydration!

Whether backpacking out West this summer or hunting its rugged peaks come fall, here’s why...

Meet General George Armstrong Custer the Hunter

Who knew General Custer—killed at the Battle of Little Bighorn on this very date—was an...

2018 NRA Women’s Wilderness Escape Touts Outdoor Adventure

The two-day event offered gun safety and shooting sports instruction and immersed newcomers in the...

Hope For The Warriors Veterans Enjoy Buckmasters Hunt

As Flag Day nears, it seems fitting to highlight a deer hunt honoring veterans who...

Should You Hire a Hunting Consultant?

Sweating the details? Reputable booking agents know their outfitters’ operations and hunting areas so your...

Premier NRA Hunters’ Event Opens 2018 NRA Show in Dallas

Hunters stand united at the 4th annual NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum Dinner on May 3.

Store-Bought Meat: Should We Hunters Change Our Ways?

Steeped in hypocrisy, some anti-hunters plead ignorance as to where their meat and leather comes...

PETA Ad Tries to Play Us for Fools

In step with the HSUS, PETA ignores the blood on its lettuce as its actions...

Watch: NRA-ILA Front Man Chris Cox Video Is Hunters' Call to Action

Click here to see NRA Chris Cox's must-see keynote address at last week's SCI show...

HSUS’ Biggest Lie Exposed performs a valuable public service by uncovering how the HSUS uses the bulk of...

My Two Little Hunters: A Christmas Tale

A father’s heartwarming holiday story underscores the magic of the hunt.

Mentor Memories of a Lifetime

We owe our outdoor mentors a debt of gratitude. Perhaps the best way to thank...

Tips for Increasing Public Land Access

Opportunities can open up quickly if you maximize available resources.

Anti-Hunters Are Attacking Farmers, Too

As extremist groups work to end hunting, they are attacking the agricultural community too in...

9 Heart-Healthy Ways to Transport Big Game

Getting our elk out of the woods can cause more physical stress than our hearts...

Debunking the Yellowstone Grizzly Delisting Lawsuits

Despite that Yellowstone-area grizzly bears have surpassed ESA recovery goals, anti-hunting extremists are suing the...

Why Hunting is This Disabled Woman’s No. 1 Pastime

Outdoorswoman Ashlee Lundvall shares how hunting allowed for healing and growth following tragedy.

Lying about Lions—Fake News Exposed As Hunters Fight Fiction with Facts

Primed to pounce and persecute, the anti-hunting extremist mob will always find another mark—unless we...

Why I Served As a Conservation Officer

Author of the new book, “Wildlife 911: On Patrol,” this officer explains how his love...

Antis Spew Hatred and Glee over News of Hunter’s Death

Anti-hunters’ vitriol over the loss of an African PH’s life is as astounding as it...
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