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The Morning After: The Future of Hunting in Zimbabwe

With 93-year-old Mugabe finally out of power, will Zimbabwe’s new leader return it to the...

Anti-Hunters Are Attacking Farmers, Too

As extremist groups work to end hunting, they are attacking the agricultural community too in...

National Geographic Stops Just Short of Being Honest

The magazine jumps into the “does hunting save wildlife” debate with its article, “Should We...

Boone and Crockett Club Says HSUS Confused over Fair Chase

A recent HSUS blog post misrepresents the Club’s position on fair chase when contests place...

African Group Breaks with Hunters, Aims to Limit Hunting

Beware of groups like the African Wildlife Foundation that claim to speak for wildlife to...

Why American Hunters Care about Asia's Snow Leopards

One of the many ties that bind us hunters is that we care about the...

Zinke’s $21 Million in DOI Grants Aid Wetlands Conservation

Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke approved $21.9 million in grants for wetland conservation projects...

Zinke’s Employee “Shotgun Showdown” Promotes Hunting

Department of the Interior (DOI) Secretary Ryan Zinke’s “Shotgun Showdown” entails playing the “Big Buck...

South African Economy Spells Peril for Wildlife

For South Africa’s wildlife, storm clouds are on the horizon.

NRA Applauds Secretary Zinke’s Move to Expand Hunting Lands

The public has until Sept. 8 to submit comments on U.S. Secretary of the Interior...

Lying about Lions—Fake News Exposed As Hunters Fight Fiction with Facts

Primed to pounce and persecute, the anti-hunting extremist mob will always find another mark—unless we... Contributor Wins First Place POWA Award

Tim Flanigan wins the Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers Association’s top award for “The Role of the...

Newsweek Sides with Hunters

In the face of facts, Newsweek sees the pro-hunting light.

Anti-Bear-Hunting Billboard Targets Yellowstone Park

The antis’ latest spin aims to cover up the truth about rising bear numbers.

NRA Fights to Save Hunting’s Future at 2017 NRA Show

With lawful hunting under attack, NRA rallies the troops at its NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum...

How Wildlife Photographers Benefit from Hunters

As the NRA protects our hunting heritage, hunters’ finding ensures the existence of wild game...

Hunters’ Role in National Wildlife Refuges

Don’t let anti-hunters or the misinformed hijack the fact that hunting is conservation. America’s wildlife...

Listing Leopards as Endangered Could Mean Extinction

The facts show leopards are not endangered—despite what anti-hunters want you to believe.

Hunters Securing Water for Wildlife

American hunters work to conserve game and non-game species alike, from mule deer in the...

Is Tyson Foods Phasing out Meat?

Does the company seek a softer image, or is this its way of placating animal-welfare...
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