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The Art of a Thanksgiving Hunt

Giving thanks for nature’s bounty extends to appreciating the artists who showcase it.

4 Reasons an “Assault Weapon” Ban Should Matter to Hunters

Do American hunters really think other guns won’t be next?

Hunter Says “You Are in no Position to Judge Me” to Those Who Eat Meat

Another hunter thwarts attacks on social media and shares why we hunt.

Proposed CECIL Act Aims to End Hunting outside U.S. Borders

Anti-hunters could use H.R. 6885 to create a science-free Endangered Species Act.

PETA Traumatizes Kids with Barbecued Dog

More fake news from PETA as it serves up a dog barbecue in Australia.

Lying about Lions—Fake News Exposed As Hunters Fight Fiction with Facts

Primed to pounce and persecute, the anti-hunting extremist mob will always find another mark—unless we...

Australia Pushes Trophy Hunting for Crocs

In the name of wildlife management, Australia is considering crocodile trophy hunting to make its...

Say It Ain't So, Luke: 'Star Wars'' Mark Hamill Attacks Second Amendment With Snarky 'Right to Own a Musket' Tweet

Hollywood throwing around anti-gun and anti-hunting rhetoric is nothing new—which we highlighted earlier this month...

No. 1 Reason American Hunters Must Stop Hillary Clinton

There are multiple reasons for freedom-loving Americans not to vote for Hillary Clinton, but for...

NRA-ILA’s Chris Cox Addresses NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum Symposium

As NRA-ILA Executive Director, Chris Cox lays it on the line for hunters: “Hunting has...