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Ill Winds Start to Blow at Hunting Trade Shows

Anti-hunting protesters attempt to shame hunters while impeding conservation efforts.

Houston Safari Club Picks Peppers at Annual Convention

NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum member John Pepper and grandson Tristan receive much deserved recognition during...

Houston Safari Club Hunting Expo Sets Stage for Family Fun

The Lone Star State draws thousands for a celebration of America’s hunting and conservation heritage,...

Ringling Brothers to Shut Down Circus

After years of being under siege from animal welfare extremists, Ringling Brothers says it will...

Sheep Tag Brings $120K for Conservation at HSC Show

Auction’s coveted desert sheep tag and NRA’s own Wayne La Pierre make big headlines at...

Women Hunters Jam the Aisles at HSC Show

Women continue to prove they are the future—of hunting, conservation and, last but never least,...

HSC’s Youth Hunters Say Hunting’s Future is in Good Hands

Hundreds of young hunters attend special HSC seminars geared just for them.

NRA is the Talk of the Town at 2017 HSC Convention, Jan. 13-15

A recent article makes news at the HSC show and confirms what we hunters have...