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Michigan Hunters and Farmers Team to Address Deer Overpopulation Crisis

With fewer hunters to balance deer numbers, deer are hungry, weak and subject to disease.

The Year in Review: The NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum Website’s Top News Stories of 2024

As we kick off the new year, here are the issues we faced in 2024.

NRA, American Hunters and Multiple U.S. Governors Celebrate National Wild Game Meat Donation Month in November

Nine governors are saluting Hunters for the Hungry groups through official proclamations.

Smoke and Mirrors: Newsweek Article Exposed for False Claim That Hunting Harms the Environment

A wildlife biologist touts the role of legal, regulated hunting in wildlife management.

Harvesting Memories: Thanksgiving Afield

Today we give thanks for the blessings of family, friends and our outdoor traditions.

Colorado Ballot Initiative Would Ban Mountain Lion Hunting

A ballot measure is scheduled for a review and public comment hearing on Oct. 6.

Should You Keep or Donate Your Wild Game Meat?

If your own freezer is full, consider feeding the needy in your community.

Celebrating Thanksgiving Year-Round through Hunters’ Culture of Generosity

The Wild Harvest Initiative tracks the value of sharing our wild game harvests.

Wyoming First Lady Teams with Hunters to Fight Hunger

Jennie Gordon and her state wildlife agency will auction a second Commissioner’s tag July 10.