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Cabela’s Founders Receive Inaugural NRA Distinguished Hunters Leadership Award

In recognition of their efforts, the NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum (HLF) honored the founders of...

NRA Hunters' Leadership Forum National Symposium Showcases Political Action in Defense of Hunting's Future

Promoting a broader awareness of NRA’s activities on behalf of hunters, the NRA Hunters’ Leadership...

NRA-ILA’s Chris Cox Addresses NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum Symposium

As NRA-ILA Executive Director, Chris Cox lays it on the line for hunters: “Hunting has...

Fellow Hunter Rep. Paul Ryan Elected 54th Speaker of the House

Ever supportive of our Second Amendment freedoms and hunting heritage, avid bowhunter and Wisconsin congressman...

Latest Gallup Poll Shows NRA Maintains Majority Support Nationwide

Citing a 58 percent approval rating for NRA across the country, a new Gallup survey...

NRA's Handy Hunter/Landowner Permission Slips Keep You Ready on the Spot

You never know when you’ll stumble across an opportunity to pick up a new tract...

NRA Stands with Sportsmen, Backs Hearing Protection Act

While firearm suppressors protect hunters’ and shooters’ hearing, their regulation under the National Firearms Act...

Worldwide Exclusive: Wisconsin Deer Hunter Fends off Wolves with Walther PK .380

Army veteran says: “I’d be dead without my military experience.”

The NRA Family that Hunts Together Stays Together

Truer words were never spoken about the Garrett family of Katy, Texas!

Are You in Step with the Latest Hunter Survey Data?

See if you agree with other American hunters when it comes to your top game...

2015 Benelli Invitational

When you're offered a chance to bust some clays and raise money for a great...

NRA-ILA Takes Action on the Ivory Issue

NRA has hunters’ backs as it monitors the status of recently proposed measures restricting the...

Zimbabwe Lifts Suspension on Hunting Lion, Leopard and Elephant

In an official release on August 10, Zimbabwe lifted its suspension of lion, leopard and...

NRA Fights Litany of State-and-Local-Level Ivory-Ban Proposals

NRA roundup cites multiple states, Washington, D.C., and the HSUS.

Governor Christie Signs Apprentice Hunting Bill

Youth hunting bill becomes law just in time for the fall hunting season in New...
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