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Preservation Is Not Conservation

Contrary to popular belief, conservation and preservation are not interchangeable terms.

R3 in Action via the Georgia Hunt and Learn Program

This Georgia DNR program is an example of what the collective hunting community is doing...

Breaking News: Secretary Zinke Signs Order Prioritizing Game Migration Corridors

SO 3362 is big news at the 2018 Utah hunt expo as Zinke directs more...

NRA-ILA’s Chris Cox to Speak at SCI Gala on Feb. 3

SCI show attendees won’t want to miss the key note address from NRA-ILA Executive Director...

West Nile Virus Hits Michigan Ruffed Grouse

As biologists continue to study the virus, here’s how hunters should handle a ruffed grouse...

Hunters Are the Solution

Whether you want to help recruit more hunters or assist with a local conservation project,...

HSUS’ Biggest Lie Exposed performs a valuable public service by uncovering how the HSUS uses the bulk of...

The Morning After: The Future of Hunting in Zimbabwe

With 93-year-old Mugabe finally out of power, will Zimbabwe’s new leader return it to the...

Why Hunters Should Thank the NRA at Thanksgiving

The NRA is the fighting brand for all American hunters.

Anti-Hunters Are Attacking Farmers, Too

As extremist groups work to end hunting, they are attacking the agricultural community too in...

South Carolina Increases Bear Tags Amid Overpopulation

Due to excess population numbers, coastal bear hunting permits will now be available to all...

African Group Breaks with Hunters, Aims to Limit Hunting

Beware of groups like the African Wildlife Foundation that claim to speak for wildlife to...

Study Touts Positive Attitudes toward Wildlife Officers

As if we hunters had any doubt, Responsive Management’s latest research affirms the American public’s...

Hunters Aid Wisconsin’s Bobcat Numbers

Thanks to the combined efforts of hunters, trappers and biologists, Wisconsin’s bobcat population has made...

Zinke’s $21 Million in DOI Grants Aid Wetlands Conservation

Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke approved $21.9 million in grants for wetland conservation projects...

HSUS Pushes Arizona Cougar Hunting Ban via Ballot Box

With HSUS trying to end cougar hunting statewide, hunters must spread the word and vote...

Zinke’s Employee “Shotgun Showdown” Promotes Hunting

Department of the Interior (DOI) Secretary Ryan Zinke’s “Shotgun Showdown” entails playing the “Big Buck...

NRA, Sportsmen Honor National Hunting and Fishing Day

Follow the lead of NRA’s Richard Childress this Saturday and celebrate NHFD by introducing someone...

Zinke Signs Pivotal Order for Sportsmen and Conservation

Secretary Zinke’s latest move expands access to public and private lands and advances America’s outdoor...

PETA and Photographer Settle “Monkey Selfie” Lawsuit

Did PETA realize it would lose its bizarre federal court case when it finally settled,...
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