
Your search for state wildlife agencies matched article(s).
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Why Africa Matters to American Hunters

If you think hunting issues in Africa don't impact on hunting in America, think again.

20 Reasons Why Hunting is Conservation

In 1900, only 500,000 whitetails remained in North America. Thanks to conservation work spearheaded by...

5 Reasons to Lift Bans on Sunday Hunting

States that have recently repealed Sunday hunting prohibitions have had no adverse impact on game...

Who Really Cares About Conservation?

Hunters pay for conservation while anti-hunting extremists raise funds for emotional appeals that obfuscate facts.

Colorado's Hug a Hunter Ads Hit the Mark

Colorado's innovative Hug a Hunter ads set the standard for what can be a national...

Facts Show Hunting Is Conservation at NYC Debate

Despite being significantly outnumbered by supporters of groups like the HSUS, hunters rallied in the...

Exploding Feral Hog Population Harming Other Wildlife Species

Though studies confirm feral hogs continue to destroy habitat to the detriment of other wildlife...

Hunters and Anglers Amass $1.1 Billion for Conservation

Sportsmen have willingly paid excise taxes on guns, ammo, fishing tackle and gear for decades...

Federal Management in Question as Wolves Sport-Kill 19 Elk in One Attack?

Wyoming wolf pack's recent killing spree begs the question: Is USFWS management of wolves going...

USFWS Proposes Delisting the Grizzly Bear in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem

Three western states tout booming grizzly bear populations, thanks to four decades of conservation efforts...

Missouri’s Plan to Control Feral Hogs Doesn’t Include Hunters

The state's proposed changes could ban hog hunting on 2.5 million acres of public land.

Greater Sage Grouse to Remain Off Endangered Species List

Thanks to the largest land conservation effort in American history, the United Sates Fish and...

First Light: The North American Model Of Wildlife Conservation

Did you know it was hunters who launched the most successful wildlife management program worldwide?

NRA Heralds Introduction of Bipartisan Sportmen's Act of 2015

Feb. 5 marked a great day for sportsmen across America as critical pro-hunting legislation hit...
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