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Hunters with Special Circumstances: Five Groups Providing Assistance

American hunters and anglers may not be aware of the many programs that various sporting...

NRA TV Now Features Award-Winning “Under Wild Skies” Hunting Show

NRA members and hunters have 24/7 access to more hunting programming than ever as the...

Saturday Marks 44th Annual National Hunting and Fishing Day

Proclaimed "National Hunting and Fishing Day," Sept. 24 lauds sportsmen for the billions of dollars...

Online Hunting & Fishing License Info Hacked

Attention Sportsmen: If you bought a hunting or fishing license online in Idaho, Oregon or...

Why Do You Hunt?

Being a prepared hunter starts by knowing how to answer the question.

Massachusetts Sportsmen to Fight AR Ban at Monday Rally

Massachusetts hunters are set to gather Monday, Aug.15, against state's recent AR-style rifle ban.

20 Reasons Why Hunting is Conservation

In 1900, only 500,000 whitetails remained in North America. Thanks to conservation work spearheaded by...

5 Ways Hunters Conserve Wildlife

Sportsmen contribute nearly $8 million every day, adding more than $2.9 billion every year for...

Poaching is NOT Hunting

One of the most common misconceptions perpetuated by anti-hunting extremists is that poachers are hunters....

Who Really Cares About Conservation?

Hunters pay for conservation while anti-hunting extremists raise funds for emotional appeals that obfuscate facts.

Colorado's Hug a Hunter Ads Hit the Mark

Colorado's innovative Hug a Hunter ads set the standard for what can be a national...

Suppressors Now Legal in NH and VT

New Hampshire and Vermont are the latest states to pass legislation recognizing the benefits of...

How to Tap Into Private Lands for Public Hunting

Need a Place to Hunt? Don’t overlook the increasing number of states now offering private-land-access...

Facts Show Hunting Is Conservation at NYC Debate

Despite being significantly outnumbered by supporters of groups like the HSUS, hunters rallied in the...

Hunters and Anglers Amass $1.1 Billion for Conservation

Sportsmen have willingly paid excise taxes on guns, ammo, fishing tackle and gear for decades...

Maine's High Court Sides with Bear Hunters, Rejects HSUS Lawsuit

After nearly a year and a half of court proceedings, a Humane Society of the...

Iowa Legalizes Use of Suppressors

NRA-ILA Commends Iowa Governor Terry Branstad for signing a bill into law last week legalizing...

Federal Management in Question as Wolves Sport-Kill 19 Elk in One Attack?

Wyoming wolf pack's recent killing spree begs the question: Is USFWS management of wolves going...

Poaching Is Not Hunting

Poachers are not hunters. Poachers are criminals and should be dealt with as such.

Michigan Repeals Ban on Hunting with Suppressors

NRA-ILA says Feb. 11 marked a great day for hunters as the Great Lakes State...
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