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Wile E. Coyote on the East Coast, the West Coast—and Everywhere in Between

Even Massachusetts says to beware of aggressive coyotes this mating season.

Having Hunters’ Backs: The NRA HLF’s Year in Review

Here's a look back at 2022 as we continue reporting news from the hunting front.

Biden’s Assault on Semi-Autos Is an Attack on Hunters

The president is targeting some of America’s most popular hunting guns.

Another Group Petitions Feds to Ban Lead Ammo on Public Lands

Sidestepping science, the real goal is to hinder participation in hunting and shooting.

Black Bear Attacks 10-Year-Old Connecticut Boy

Encounters are escalating as bears become accustomed to eating human food.

American Heart Association’s Heart Healthy Hunting Campaign Can Save Lives

Hunter safety afield extends to knowing the signs of a heart attack or stroke.

Wyoming Grizzly Bear Attack Amplifies Need for Species’ Management

More humans are harmed as the recovered species remains delisted.

NRA Calls Out Biden Administration’s Move to Cut Target Shooting Access in Arizona

The latest move against gun owners was announced in yesterday’s Federal Register.

Report Says Montana Camper’s Fatality Due to Rare Predatory Grizzly Bear Attack

Yet another tragedy reminds us to remain vigilant when in grizzly bear country.

The Ongoing Saga of the Grizzly Bear

Here’s what happens when a recovered predator is given federal protections.

NRA, Partner Groups Oppose Import Ban of Legally Hunted African Game Animals

The ban would harm Africa’s wildlife and rural economies.

Hunters, Shooters Face More Lead Ban Proposals

Sidestepping science, anti-hunters seek to end hunting through more false claims.

Voice of Leadership: Why Hunter Reactivation is Crucial to the R3 Movement

Where there’s a will, there’s a way to reconnect with the hunting lifestyle.

New Senate Bill Aims to Ban Use of Traditional Lead Ammunition on U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Lands

The bill’s true purpose is to attack American hunters and legal, regulated hunting.

Voice of Leadership: Internet and Social Media Security Tips for Hunters

Be aware of the specific threats and vulnerabilities regarding online access.

Examining the Challenges of Life in Grizzly Bear Country

Living with grizzlies means eternal vigilance and being prepared—for anything.

Anti-hunters and Legislators Attack National Park Service over Management of Bison

Extremists push a costly, non-lethal solution, but who will pay for it?

Eagle Eyes: 10 Anti-Hunting Groups to Watch

Protecting hunting’s future means exposing extremist groups.

Calling All Hunters! Set Sights on the NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum Dinner Sept. 3

Join the hunting party at the NRA Annual Meetings in Houston.

Voice of Leadership: The Importance of Hunting Industry Unity and Green Decoy Vigilance

To remove the fox from the henhouse, we must stand together and fight.
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