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House Signs Off on African Trophy Import Ban as Bill Now Moves to Senate

Hunters must not let the bill’s harmful anti-hunting language fly under the radar.

The Ongoing Saga of the Grizzly Bear

Here’s what happens when a recovered predator is given federal protections.

NRA, Partner Groups Oppose Import Ban of Legally Hunted African Game Animals

The ban would harm Africa’s wildlife and rural economies.

Hunter Education in Colorado Schools Signed into Law

Seventh graders will soon be able to take a hunter education course at their school.

Equal Access to Injustice: Animal Rights Extremists’ Misuse of the Equal Access to Justice Act

Extremist groups hijack it to force taxpayers to cover their attorney fees.

Fighting for Our Hunting Heritage: The NRA-Backed Center for Conservation Excellence

Here’s how it is sustaining science-based wildlife management into the future.

Beyond the Bench: Benefits of Using Hearing Protection While Hunting

Did you know a single shot can be enough to cause hearing damage?

“Project Landlocked” Details Vast Amounts of Inaccessible Public Lands

The documentary explores the scope of America’s hunter access challenges.

House Passes $70 Million Chronic Wasting Disease Research and Management Act

NRA and other sportsmen’s groups applaud the move to fight the fatal disease.

Article Calls Out Danger of Anti-Hunters Loving Animals to Death

Expose those who push emotion over the truth about hunting.

How the Interstate Wildlife Violators Compact Makes Poachers Pay

It tracks wildlife violations and underscores how poaching IS NOT hunting.

Voice of Leadership: Why Deer Hunters Should Be Concerned about African Trophy Import Bans

Shouldn’t wildlife science guide management decisions around the globe?

Federal Judge Strikes Down California’s 32-Year “Assault Weapons” Ban

The fight continues as the attorney general requests a stay to file an appeal.

Four Eastern States Seeking to Expand Sunday Hunting

Here’s the latest on NRA-backed efforts to increase hunters’ options.

Voice of Leadership: Why Hunters Must Monitor Public Hunting Policy

Elected officials’ actions and voting patterns impact hunting’s future.

4 Reasons an “Assault Weapon” Ban Should Matter to Hunters

Do American hunters really think other guns won’t be next?

Interior Department’s Abrupt Closure of Northern Alaska Public Lands Puts 2021 Moose and Caribou Hunts at Risk

Hunters’ comment period ends Apr. 20 with a public hearing set for Apr. 23.

Why the Biden Administration’s Gun-Ban Plan Should Concern Hunters

An attack on any gun owners is really an attack on all gun owners.

Bigfoot Hunting Season Legislation Introduced in Oklahoma

What a way to tap into hunters’ dollars and aid the economy.
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