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A Grizzly Double Homicide in the Yukon

Yet another tragedy surrounds a grizzly bear attack, this time on a mother and infant.

Why We Hunt Big Predators

Author Ron Spomer takes on the question the collective hunting community is so often asked...

Hunter-Conservationists Transplant 24 Lions to Mozambique

The move from South Africa to Mozambique recovers a healthy lion population and adds 2.5...

When Hunting Debates Pit Morals against Biology

If maintaining sustainable populations of all game species is the goal, isn’t the managed hunting...

Cougar and Grizzly Hunts Show Role of Legal, Regulated Hunting

New predator hunting opportunities underscore hunting’s effectiveness as a wildlife management tool.

Trouble in Tanzania

The future health of the Selous Ecosystem is in question as ESA policies force hunting...

NPR's Fake News: Antis’ Pseudo-Science Strives to Undermine Hunting

Distorting scientific evidence to try and end all hunting is tops in the animal rights...

Lion Kills One Man, Injures Another in Washington State

On Saturday, a mountain lion killed one mountain biker and mauled another near Seattle.

HSUS Defeated in Push for Arizona Cat Hunting Ban

Falling far short of the number of signatures needed to put a cat hunting ban...

Store-Bought Meat: Should We Hunters Change Our Ways?

Steeped in hypocrisy, some anti-hunters plead ignorance as to where their meat and leather comes...

African Lions Eat Suspected Poacher

A poacher pays the ultimate price near South Africa’s Kruger National Park.

Botswana Hunting Ban Hurts African Wildlife and Economy

Botswana’s hunting ban has had perilous effects on both wildlife and local communities.

The Morning After: The Future of Hunting in Zimbabwe

With 93-year-old Mugabe finally out of power, will Zimbabwe’s new leader return it to the...

Boone and Crockett Club Says HSUS Confused over Fair Chase

A recent HSUS blog post misrepresents the Club’s position on fair chase when contests place...

USFWS Allows Lion Trophy Imports from Zimbabwe and Zambia

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service says hunting is beneficial to the species’ survival.

HSUS Pushes Arizona Cougar Hunting Ban via Ballot Box

With HSUS trying to end cougar hunting statewide, hunters must spread the word and vote...

Hunters’ Dollars Sustain Africa’s Anti-Poaching Efforts

Africa’s wildlife treasures continue to be protected by hunter funding of anti-poaching rangers.

Lying about Lions—Fake News Exposed As Hunters Fight Fiction with Facts

Primed to pounce and persecute, the anti-hunting extremist mob will always find another mark—unless we...

NRA Fights to Save Hunting’s Future at 2017 NRA Show

With lawful hunting under attack, NRA rallies the troops at its NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum...

Arizona Bill to Ban Cougar and Bobcat Hunting

A new threat to Arizona’s hunting and conservation heritage looms as an HSUS-backed bill is...
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