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Judge Halts Grizzly Bear Hunts for Two More Weeks

Pressured by animal rights groups, a federal judge considers relisting healthy and recovered grizzly bear...

Federal Judge Puts Grizzly Bear Hunts on Hold

A judge postpones the NRA- and SCI-backed hunts near Yellowstone a day before the season...

How to Use the Mainstream Media to Save Hunting

The author says leave no media stone unturned in communicating with the American public about...

Washington Post Gets It Right on Wyoming Grizzly Bear Hunt

The facts don’t lie as again we see the hunter’s crucial role in conservation.

Cougar and Grizzly Hunts Show Role of Legal, Regulated Hunting

New predator hunting opportunities underscore hunting’s effectiveness as a wildlife management tool.

NPR's Fake News: Antis’ Pseudo-Science Strives to Undermine Hunting

Distorting scientific evidence to try and end all hunting is tops in the animal rights...

Court Rules for Alaska, Strikes Down Anti-Hunting Group’s Lawsuit

NRA-ILA says permitting Alaska to manage its own wildlife is a huge win for hunters...

Wyoming Proposes 2018 Grizzly Bear Season

For the first time in 40-plus years, hunters may see grizzly bear hunting in the...

HSUS’ New Boss Is No Better for Wildlife than Wayne Pacelle

Anti-hunting extremism continues at HSUS as Kitty Block takes the helm.

British Columbia’s Perverse Hat Trick

No science, no deliberation and now no grizzly hunting!

SCI Names Milligan North American Hunter of the Year

SCI member and British Columbia professional hunter Bob Milligan takes top honors at SCI Hunters’...

SCI Show Sets Stage for “Chasing the Adventure”

SCI has some surprises in store for its 46th annual hunters’ convention in Las Vegas...

Norway Bans Fur Farming

Following decades of pressure from animal rights extremists, the country will phase out its fur...

Repercussions to Hit B.C. as Grizzly Season Closes

With British Columbia’s grizzly bear hunting season ending on Nov. 30, increased human-bear conflicts and...

Debunking the Yellowstone Grizzly Delisting Lawsuits

Despite that Yellowstone-area grizzly bears have surpassed ESA recovery goals, anti-hunting extremists are suing the...

British Columbia Bans Grizzly Bear Hunting This Fall

Here is what happens to science-based decision making when animal rights extremists use emotion to...

Lying about Lions—Fake News Exposed As Hunters Fight Fiction with Facts

Primed to pounce and persecute, the anti-hunting extremist mob will always find another mark—unless we...

“Delisting” of Grizzlies is Not a Dirty Word

Despite having science on our side, extremist groups remain set to challenge the USFWS decision...

Anti-Bear-Hunting Billboard Targets Yellowstone Park

The antis’ latest spin aims to cover up the truth about rising bear numbers.

Anti-Hunters Seek To “Educate” Our Children About Hunting and Firearms

Animal rights extremists have numerous initiatives in place to recruit impressionable children and demonize hunting.
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