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HSUS’ New Boss Is No Better for Wildlife than Wayne Pacelle

Anti-hunting extremism continues at HSUS as Kitty Block takes the helm.

NRA’s Free Online Hunter Ed Course Launches in Two More States

Today Connecticut joins Florida and, more recently, Oregon in offering NRA’s free online hunter education...

Photo Tourism Alone Cannot Save Africa’s Wildlife

Here’s why hunting remains the backbone of the continent’s wildlife conservation efforts.

Why Hunters Should Thank the NRA at Thanksgiving

The NRA is the fighting brand for all American hunters.

African Group Breaks with Hunters, Aims to Limit Hunting

Beware of groups like the African Wildlife Foundation that claim to speak for wildlife to...

Free NRA Online Hunter Ed Course Debuts in Florida

The Sunshine State is the first to tout the NRA’s free online hunter education course...

Why Hunting is the Backbone of African Wildlife Conservation

Contrary to the rhetoric of anti-hunting extremists, hunting operations conserve habitat and aid counter-poaching efforts.

Stop Rotary International’s Gun Ban Before July 1

RI members have seven weeks to shut down the group’s ban on gun shows, raffles...

How Wildlife Photographers Benefit from Hunters

As the NRA protects our hunting heritage, hunters’ finding ensures the existence of wild game...

Celebrating Celebrity Paragons of Hunting

Whether it’s your everyday joe or a famous entertainer, we hunters are mainstream America.

Listing Leopards as Endangered Could Mean Extinction

The facts show leopards are not endangered—despite what anti-hunters want you to believe.

Are Texas’ Wild Hogs “Kaput” Following Approval of Pesticide?

Is the Lone Star state headed for a hog apocalypse now that it just approved...

Cheetah Numbers Crashing Despite ESA Protections

Will Trump administration policies incorporate the value that Africa’s hunting economy provides to species at...

Meet the Professional Shooters the Media Hates

Here’s a fact most anti-hunters miss: Just as American hunters are necessary wildlife management tools,...

Private Armies Enlist in South Africa’s Rhino Poaching War

Does the rhino’s ultimate survival require privately-trained protection?

Pennsylvania Says Hunting is Key to Deer Management

Highlighting hunting as a necessary form of wildlife management, Pennsylvania amends its deer-control application process...

Online Hunting & Fishing License Info Hacked

Attention Sportsmen: If you bought a hunting or fishing license online in Idaho, Oregon or...

World Elephant Day Shows Trophy Hunting as Solution to Elephant Poaching

Will World Elephant Day be the day CITIES recognizes trophy hunting as the solution to...

Leveraging Lies: How the Antis Spun Cecil

A year after news broke about an African lion named Cecil, anti-hunters continue to use...

Trophy Hunting Decreases Illegal Trade in Bushmeat

Communities across Africa have trophy hunters and local outfitters to thank for spurring a crackdown...
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