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NRA Praises Zinke for Reversing Obama Ammo Ban

Newly-confirmed Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke rights a major wrong on his first day...

The Dirty Dozen Threats to Hunting: 21st Century Implications for Recruitment, Retention, and Reactivation

The latest report from Responsive Management on the 12 leading threats to hunting in the...

The Unexpected Moose

We hunters appreciate our encounters with nature and recognize that our role in sustaining wildlife...

Hunting's Five Formidable Foes

As anti-hunters try to end hunting across America, isn’t it time we identify the enemy...

Feds Paying Sharpshooters to Cull Deer at Maryland Battlefields

Passing on the hunting tradition includes teaching about threats to hunting’s future as feds opt...

Hunters' Contributions to U.S. Wildlife Conservation

The definitive paper compiling American hunters' contributions to wildlife conservation.

How to Tap Into Private Lands for Public Hunting

Need a Place to Hunt? Don’t overlook the increasing number of states now offering private-land-access...

Why an Alaskan Moose Hunter’s Supreme Court Win Matters

The fact the U.S. Supreme Court chose to hear one hunter’s case out of thousands...

NRA-Backed Sportsmen’s Heritage and Recreational Enhancement Act Passes in House

The Sportsmen's Heritage and Recreational Enhancement (SHARE) Act passes in the House and heads for...

First Light: The North American Model Of Wildlife Conservation

Did you know it was hunters who launched the most successful wildlife management program worldwide?

NRA Heralds Introduction of Bipartisan Sportmen's Act of 2015

Feb. 5 marked a great day for sportsmen across America as critical pro-hunting legislation hit...
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