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NRA Lays Groundwork to Thwart Animal Rights Movement

The NRA Hunters' Leadership Forum rallies the troops and reaffirms its commitment as the financial...

African NGO Stands with NRA to Fight Animal Rights Extremism

As American hunters fight animal rights extremism on the home front, halfway across the world...

Tanzania Recognizes U.S. Safari Company for Pumping Millions into Conservation

Chalk up another win for the U.S. home team as Texas' Friedkin Family Companies showcase...

PETA Refuses to Respond to Former Employee’s Puppy-Killing Allegations, Says Such Questions Are Equivalent to Asking How Often You Beat Your Wife

After receiving alleged insider information—and corresponding photographs—of how PETA kills animals from a former PETA...

For the Love of Freedom: A Tribute to NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum Member Robert M. Lee

As we celebrate the life of NRA HLF member Robert M. Lee (Oct. 2, 1927-Jan....

Women’s Wildlife Conservation Management Scholarship

The Women's Policies Committee of the National Rifle Association offers a renewable, one-year $1,000 scholarship....

Ground-Breaking Lion Research in Tanzania Begins in August

International lion research project aims to improve accuracy and precision of lion population estimates.

HLF Member Spotlight: Robert Unkovic

Meet Hunters' Leadership Forum member Robert Unkovic.
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