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Take a Stand against the Virtual Lynch Mob

Expose animal rights extremists’ claims and talk with those in the middle about hunting.

Hockey Player and Anti-Hunters Face Off on Twitter over Grizzly

Former Toronto Maple Leaf center Tim Brent receives death threats on Twitter for grizzly post.

Antis Target So-Called Black Giraffe Hunt in South Africa

Once again, animal rights extremists show their true hateful colors in issuing death threats against...

Understanding Anti-Hunters

While anti-hunters claim moral superiority over mainstream American hunters, their platform is unsupported by the...

Heading for the Hills? Beware of Dehydration!

Whether backpacking out West this summer or hunting its rugged peaks come fall, here’s why...

2018 NRA Women’s Wilderness Escape Touts Outdoor Adventure

The two-day event offered gun safety and shooting sports instruction and immersed newcomers in the...

Hope For The Warriors Veterans Enjoy Buckmasters Hunt

As Flag Day nears, it seems fitting to highlight a deer hunt honoring veterans who...

Why Women Hunt

As the author notes, “Hunters are hunters regardless of their sex. Thus it has always...

Zinke Names NRA Leaders to Hunting and Conservation Council

Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke welcomes NRA-ILA’s Chris Cox and NRA Hunters Leadership Forum Co-Chair Trig...

Shotgun Suppressors: A Bird Hunter’s New Best Friend

Did you know that rifle hunters aren’t the only ones who can enjoy the health...

PETA Ad Tries to Play Us for Fools

In step with the HSUS, PETA ignores the blood on its lettuce as its actions...

Houston Safari Club Picks Peppers at Annual Convention

NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum member John Pepper and grandson Tristan receive much deserved recognition during...

Pros and Cons of Modern-Day Hunting TV

As anti-hunters look for any opportunity to shut down hunting, networks, producers, hosts and American...

Taking Advantage of Private Land Access Programs

Did you know many states are adopting programs that grant hunters and anglers more access...

Anti-Hunters Admit They Even Want to Ban Muzzleloaders

Anti-gunners are showing their hand as they work to ban muzzleloaders.

Repercussions to Hit B.C. as Grizzly Season Closes

With British Columbia’s grizzly bear hunting season ending on Nov. 30, increased human-bear conflicts and...

Promoting the Mentoring Stage of Hunting

Mentoring a new hunter is personally rewarding, but it’s also the key to building our...

Veterans Day is Every Day at Freedom Hunters!

As we prepare to honor Veterans Day, learn how Freedom Hunters supports America’s military through...

Study Touts Positive Attitudes toward Wildlife Officers

As if we hunters had any doubt, Responsive Management’s latest research affirms the American public’s...

Hunters Aid Wisconsin’s Bobcat Numbers

Thanks to the combined efforts of hunters, trappers and biologists, Wisconsin’s bobcat population has made...
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