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The Gun That May Have Killed the First Thanksgiving Turkey

A gun in NRA's National Firearms Museum may have dropped the first Thanksgiving turkey.

Anti-Hunters Are Attacking Farmers, Too

As extremist groups work to end hunting, they are attacking the agricultural community too in...

South Carolina Increases Bear Tags Amid Overpopulation

Due to excess population numbers, coastal bear hunting permits will now be available to all...

Hunters Lead Charge in Aiding Hurricane Relief Efforts

In the aftermath of the recent hurricanes, American hunters were first in line to help...

NRA Hunting TV Ads Expose Culture War on Hunting

The recently unveiled “NRA Hunting” campaign is backed by NRATV ads and articles on

Debunking the Yellowstone Grizzly Delisting Lawsuits

Despite that Yellowstone-area grizzly bears have surpassed ESA recovery goals, anti-hunting extremists are suing the...

Wounded Veterans Receive Therapy through Hunting

Here’s how the group Hope For The Warriors is providing therapy to those wounded in...

Why Hunting is This Disabled Woman’s No. 1 Pastime

Outdoorswoman Ashlee Lundvall shares how hunting allowed for healing and growth following tragedy.

R3 Efforts Expanding

Challenges to the future of hunting are many, but so are the efforts to support...

Locavore Movement Attracting Healthy New Hunters

When it comes to eating locally grown and produced food, what could be healthier than...

Florida Paying Hunters to Cut Python Populations

Florida’s Burmese Python Challenges aim to attract hunters in efforts to control the invasive species.

New HSUS Protein Standards Aim to Hike Meal Prices

The HSUS’ costly new animal protein standards for the food industry will impact every American...

Hunters Tout Shared Values at NRA Cigar Event

Fun, fellowship, food and fine cigars set the tone for this NRA hunting crowd.

Number of Hunters Who Hunt Mostly for the Meat Still Grows

Research conducted by Responsive Management shows the proportion of American hunters who say they hunt...

California Antis Tout “Coexisting” with Urban Coyotes over Public Safety

Once again, animal rights extremists in the Golden State are interfering with science-based wildlife management,...

Is Tyson Foods Phasing out Meat?

Does the company seek a softer image, or is this its way of placating animal-welfare...

Be a “Johnny Appleseed Deerbrowse”

Becoming a modern-day Johnny Appleseed is yet one more way hunters can help to supply...

World-Class Hunter and WWII Vet is SCI Show’s Living Legend

Meet my friend Chris Klineburger, one of the greatest—and most famous—hunter-conservationists of all time!

Why This Wildlife Biologist Hunts

Hunting from the perspective of a professional wildlife biologist is sheer common sense.

Hunting is Conservation at 2017 DSC Show, Jan. 5-8

For the tens of thousands of hunters converging at the DSC show in Dallas this...
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