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Oregon Extremists’ Fail to Put Hunting and Fishing Ban on State’s November Ballot

They now aim to get the measure added to the ballot in 2026.

DOD’s Seemingly Good Intentions Could Hurt Hunters, Shooters in Military

The Department of Defense’s latest report should be of concern to all gun owners.

Anti-Gun Oregon Measure 114 on Hold… For Now

Standing with hunters and shooters, the NRA filed suit to challenge the measure.

Oregon Initiative To Ban Hunting Falters

Oregon initiative petition targeting hunting, fishing and animal husbandry practices is tabled—for now.

Oregon’s IP 13 to Criminalize Hunting, Fishing, Animal Husbandry

Oregonians lifestyle and livelihoods hinge on defeating this initiative.

PETA Trying to Ban “Speciesist” Definitions in the Dictionary

It says calling a treacherous person a snake is a “slur” that aids human-supremacy.

Why the Biden Administration’s Gun-Ban Plan Should Concern Hunters

An attack on any gun owners is really an attack on all gun owners.

Colorado Hunting/Fishing License Needed to Enter State Wildlife Areas

On July 1, campers and backpackers will pay their share to access state wildlife areas.

Honoring All of the Beast Includes the Horns

You can honor the hunt while still being awe-inspired by an animal’s majesty.

Why Wildlife Needs More Hunter Recruitment Officers

The job of saving hunting is the job of saving the wild.

Analyzing the Character Flaws of the Anti-Hunter

Animal-rights extremists ignore facts and morality in their push to end all hunting.

15 Scary Anti-Hunting Organizations to Watch

Hunters Beware: These groups seek to eradicate all hunting.

NRA Mobilizes Against Escalating Social Media Death Threats to Hunters  

Animal rights extremists terrorize two more hunters despite that hunting is a legal, regulated activity.

Lying PETA Generated Fake News over Fake Super Bowl Ad

Here’s more fake news, PETA style, as the animal rights group launches its latest lies.

U.S. Taxpayer Dollars are Funding HSUS

Even Africa knows that our hard-earned tax dollars are funding this animal rights extremist organization!

HSUS Backs PETA’s “Personhood” for Animals Ploy

HSUS touted PETA’s agenda seeking legal “personhood” for animals at the recent Animal Rights National...

PETA Busted for Fake Animal Abuse Video

NRA and mainstream American hunters watch PETA hit a new low—even for PETA—with the extremist...

Federal Court Upholds MD Gun Ban

Tuesday’s abuse of judicial authority is the most anti-gun ruling in the modern era as...

Environmentalists Sued Feds for $49 Million Since 2009

Environmentalists' abuse of the law costs the government millions with no benefit to wildlife conservation.

Massachusetts Sportsmen to Fight AR Ban at Monday Rally

Massachusetts hunters are set to gather Monday, Aug.15, against state's recent AR-style rifle ban.
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