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Alaska Confirms First Case of Rabies in Moose

The first confirmed moose case in all of North America is attributed to a fox.

Bowfishing for Invasive Fish Species in Alaska—or Anywhere—Keeps Archery Skills Sharp

Here’s Alaska’s take on using sportsmen to manage invasive fish species’ populations.

Federal Subsistence Board Closes Millions of Acres in Alaska to Non-Local Caribou and Moose Hunters

The move impacts residents and nonresidents alike starting in August 2022.

Observing a Subsistence Caribou Hunt in Alaska

Hunting for survival is more than just a cultural tradition in rural Alaska.

Article Suggests Hunters May Kill Endangered Species

“The Hill’s” misleading article implies that Alaska’s rule changes permit killing endangered species.

Alaska Sues Feds Over New USFWS Hunting Regs

Pushing back against the federal government’s blatant overreach, Alaska sues the outgoing Obama administration over...

Alaska: Save Big Before Jan. 1, 2017

Attention Hunters: Act by Dec. 31, 2016, and buy your nonresident Alaska hunting licenses and...

USFWS Halts Predator Control on Alaska Refuges

The predators are set up to win again as the USFWS rules that Alaska can’t...