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In Support of Suppressors: U.S. House and Senate Introduce NRA-Backed Hearing Protection Legislation

Both houses of Congress are acknowledging suppressors’ role in protecting our hearing.

Safety, Hearing Protection and Reduced Recoil: Hunting with Suppressed Firearms

Their benefits include decreased muzzle report and increased shooting accuracy.

Connecticut Legislature Refuses to Institute Black Bear Hunt Despite Species’ Expanding Population

In the meantime, human-bear encounters are rising with no management tool in place.

Beyond the Bench: Benefits of Using Hearing Protection While Hunting

Did you know a single shot can be enough to cause hearing damage?

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Goes Viral over Hunter Training

So why won’t he end Facebook’s censorship of fellow hunters’ content?

Federal Bill Seeks to Ban Suppressors despite Hearing Safety Benefits

The bill disregards the welfare of American hunters and shooters.

Interior Department’s Abrupt Closure of Northern Alaska Public Lands Puts 2021 Moose and Caribou Hunts at Risk

Hunters’ comment period ends Apr. 20 with a public hearing set for Apr. 23.

California Anti-Hunting S.B. 1175 Set for 1 p.m. Hearing Today

Extremists’ “yea” votes will only harm African wildlife.

California to Vote on Hunting Import Ban of Legally Hunted Wildlife

Set for a hearing on May 26, S.B. 1175 would criminalize possession of 13 species.

Texas Bolstering Deer Populations after 2019 Anthrax Outbreak

State wildlife biologists transplant deer to areas impacted areas by last summer’s anthrax outbreak.

Legislation in Virginia Could Derail Hunting and Conservation

The NRA and like-minded sportsmen's groups are fighting to stop Virginia's anti-hunting bills.

Crossbows Deliver Bucks without the “Bang”

Crossbows are a great way to break into archery while extending your hunting seasons.

Why Wildlife Needs More Hunter Recruitment Officers

The job of saving hunting is the job of saving the wild.

New Jersey Black Bear Hunt Ban Upheld on Appeal

A judge’s decision signals sportsmen’s fight is headed to Supreme Court.

Hunters Notch Conservation Victories in Midterm Elections

Big winners—and losers—resulted from Americans’ most recent trip to the ballot box.

Taking Aim: Why This Disabled Hunter Is a Voice for 2nd Amendment

Paralyzed after an accidental discharge, the author works to promote personal responsibility and firearm safety...

Shotgun Suppressors: A Bird Hunter’s New Best Friend

Did you know that rifle hunters aren’t the only ones who can enjoy the health...

New Study Points to Benefits of Suppressors

A recent study underscores the importance of the pending Hearing Protection Act of 2017 to...

Predator Control is Game Management

When it comes to the importance of predator control, here's why it is a key...

Benefits of Suppressors

NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA) champions the use of suppressors because of the clear...
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