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A Hearty Welcome to America’s Newest Frontline Conservationists

Here’s how hunters fund wildlife conservation into the future.

Colorado Predator Wars: First Wolves, Now Cats as Extremists Aim to Put Cat Hunting Ban on November Ballot

‘Ballot-box biology’ bypasses wildlife science and the legislative and regulatory process.

Victory in Vermont: NRA Applauds Defeat of Bill Aiming to Put Anti-Hunters on Fish and Wildlife Board

The win sounds home the effectiveness of local advocacy in influencing state legislation.

How Hillsdale College’s Nimrod Education Center and Wildlife Law Courses Are Preparing the Next Generation

Teaching hunting’s conservation role impacts future legislative and wildlife court decisions.

Rhode Island Applauds Hunting's Role in Wildlife Conservation and Deer Management

Hunters are respectful, cost-effective stewards of the state’s wildlife resources.

The NRA and Researcher Mark Damian Duda: Teaming Up to Ensure Hunting’s Cultural Acceptance

The benefit is groundbreaking research and a book on how to talk about hunting.

Hunting and Cultural Acceptance: Parallels between the American and European Experience

Hunters in Belgium and Spain join us in enhancing hunting’s public support.

Smoke and Mirrors: Newsweek Article Exposed for False Claim That Hunting Harms the Environment

A wildlife biologist touts the role of legal, regulated hunting in wildlife management.

Wyoming Gov. Gordon Joins NRA in Proclaiming November Wild Game Meat Donation Month

Gov. Gordon touts hunters’ vital role in fighting hunger across the Cowboy State.

Colorado Ballot Initiative Would Ban Mountain Lion Hunting

A ballot measure is scheduled for a review and public comment hearing on Oct. 6.

NRA and Boone and Crockett Club Partner to Promote Fair Chase and Hunter Ethics

The duo will launch a free online Fair Chase Hunter Ethics course in 2024.

NRA to Present S.D. Gov. Kristi Noem with Hunters Leadership Award at NRA Show in Indy

This hunter and best-selling author’s fight for freedom inspires us all.

Wile E. Coyote on the East Coast, the West Coast—and Everywhere in Between

Even Massachusetts says to beware of aggressive coyotes this mating season.

Washington Governor to Be Sued for Appointing Anti-Hunters to Wildlife Commission

Stacking the commission through biased appointments violates state code.

Another Group Petitions Feds to Ban Lead Ammo on Public Lands

Sidestepping science, the real goal is to hinder participation in hunting and shooting.

Celebrating Thanksgiving Year-Round through Hunters’ Culture of Generosity

The Wild Harvest Initiative tracks the value of sharing our wild game harvests.

Happy Birthday, Pittman-Robertson Act: Celebrating 85 Years of American Hunter-Backed Conservation

Would the whitetail deer or turkey have survived if not for hunters’ dollars?

Are You Afraid of “Bambi?”

The Disney film’s distorted image of nature hinders hope for a sustainable world.

Eating Eden to Extinction: Understanding Africa’s Bushmeat Crisis

It is yet one more factor creating public confusion over hunting’s conservation value.

Hillsdale College’s New Nimrod Education Center Educates Students on Hunters’ Role in Wildlife Conservation

The new facility provides courses, scholarships and grants to foster public education.
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