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Hunter-Driven Pittman-Robertson Act Provides Nearly $1 Billion in Conservation Funding in 2024

Thank you, sportsmen and women, for paying to sustain our fish and wildlife species.

Bringing the Laughs: U.S. Army Veteran and Hunter Finds Joy through Comedy

For this comedian, life is all about the people, the places and family time afield.

One of Us: NRA Member, Hunter and NRA Publications Executive Director Doug Hamlin Named NRA EVP and CEO

Hamlin will build an even stronger NRA as we hunters fight to protect our freedom.

N.J. Gov. Murphy Permanently Reinstates Bear Hunt to Cut Species’ Populations

Hunters mark a conservation win as hunting is lauded as a wildlife management tool.

6 Reasons NRA’s Great American Outdoor Show is Must-See

With 1,000+ exhibitors, the world’s largest outdoor show makes your dreams come true.

Can You Catch COVID-19 from Deer?

Here is what the science shows.

Kansas Accepts NRA’s Free Online Hunter Education Course

The NRA invested $3 million to create its state-of-the-art curriculum.

How the Interstate Wildlife Violators Compact Makes Poachers Pay

It tracks wildlife violations and underscores how poaching IS NOT hunting.

New Jersey To Ban Urine-Based Deer Attractants This Fall

Here’s another reason to double-check the regulations for any state you hunt.

Four Eastern States Seeking to Expand Sunday Hunting

Here’s the latest on NRA-backed efforts to increase hunters’ options.

University of Pennsylvania Cancel Culture Snubs Campus Hunting Club

Hunters are being discriminated against in the “Birthplace of America?”

Pennsylvania to Expand Sunday Hunting in 2021

The state game commission plans to include additional species this fall.

Silver Lining 2020: Increased Funding for Conservation and Outdoor Pursuits

Record firearm and ammo sales mean more conservation efforts through Pittman-Robertson funding.

Great American Outdoor Show Canceled

Pennsylvania COVID restrictions prevent NRA’s annual outdoor show from opening.

East Coast, Multi-Game “Safaris” Offer Big Bang for the Buck

If COVID-19 put your safari plans on hold, head for the East Coast.

“Pass It On!” Introduces Youths to Traditional Outdoor Pursuits

Dedicated mentors help kids to experience hunting and the outdoor life.

Hunting is a Matter of National Security

There is a clear crossover in skill sets required for hunting and military service.

Do Non-Hunters Get It?

Here is food for thought as we hunters go about our lives as a part...

Pa. Legislators Recognized for Hard Work on Sunday Hunting

NRA-ILA presents awards to those who led the charge to secure Sunday hunting.

NSSF Video Shows Sportsmen Contributed $13B to Wildlife Conservation

Watch the video for proof that hunters remain the No. 1 funders of wildlife conservation.
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