
Your search for twitter threats on hunters matched article(s).
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The Hunting Consortium: Standing Against Hunting’s Social Media Censorship

Platforms like Facebook are policing the content of hunter-backed businesses.

Anti-Hunters Seek to End Sportsmen’s Role in Wildlife Conservation Funding

Animal rights extremists only harm wildlife by targeting hunters as a conservation funding source.

Canada Bans 1,500 Rifles and Shotguns

Attention U.S. Hunters: Are your shotguns and rifles legal in Canada?

Green Eggs and Hunt: Examining Hunting’s Role in Nature and Humanity

We’re all hunters at our core as we work to sustain the natural world.

Experts Say Prevention Is Key in Fighting Coronavirus

Check out Vaccines on the Go for updates in preventing diseases impacting traveling hunters.

Utah’s Ogden Bay: The Birthplace of Modern Wetlands Conservation

Thanks to sportsmen, the bay was the first project to benefit from the Pittman-Robertson Act.

South African Nations Threaten to Leave Global Conservation Treaty

Its preservationist attitude may tear the landmark conservation agreement apart.

The Future of African Wildlife Hangs in the Balance

The American and African hunting communities await decisions being made in Geneva.

Why the NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum Site Is Hunters’ Top Tool

Visit to stay on top of the hunting issues and share our stories.

The Irony of Extremists’ Morally Questionable Actions

Despite these five outrageous instances, extremists still call hunters and legal, regulated hunting cruel.

Spec Ops Lessons for Anti-Poaching and Community Conservation

A Marine’s training in evaluating insurgencies provides insight into global anti-poaching operations.

ESPN’s Keith Olbermann Terrorizes Teen Hunter, Forced to Apologize

The sports commentator targets a Mississippi teen for hunting a rare, all-white turkey.

The NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum Year in Review

As we wrap up 2018, here are some of the stories that shaped our year.

Take a Stand against the Virtual Lynch Mob

Expose animal rights extremists’ claims and talk with those in the middle about hunting.

NRA Mobilizes Against Escalating Social Media Death Threats to Hunters  

Animal rights extremists terrorize two more hunters despite that hunting is a legal, regulated activity.

Hockey Player and Anti-Hunters Face Off on Twitter over Grizzly

Former Toronto Maple Leaf center Tim Brent receives death threats on Twitter for grizzly post.

National Council Advancing Hunting and Shooting Sports

Powered by hunter-conservationists, the Council to Advance Hunting and the Shooting Sports welcomes your input.