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Washington Post Gets It Right on Wyoming Grizzly Bear Hunt

The facts don’t lie as again we see the hunter’s crucial role in conservation.

Alabama’s Adult Mentored Hunting Program Shines

New and less experienced hunters are enjoying the opportunity to get in the game alongside...

The Next Generation Needs Sportsmen

Get your kids excited about the great outdoors by getting them in on the action.

Zinke Names NRA Leaders to Hunting and Conservation Council

Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke welcomes NRA-ILA’s Chris Cox and NRA Hunters Leadership Forum Co-Chair Trig...

Kudos to Virginia’s Hunters for the Hungry Program

Here’s how state HFH programs make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate.

USFWS Moves to Delist Cape Mountain Zebra

The South African zebra’s success story marks a 572-percent population increase over the past decades.

Hunters Can’t Hide in the Woods

As stewards of the land and wildlife, it’s time for hunters to proclaim the importance...

National R3 Symposium Aims to Bolster Hunter Numbers

The Council to Advance Hunting and the Shooting Sports will focus on Recruitment, Retention and...

Zinke’s First Year Marks Big Winning Streak for Hunters

It’s amazing what Department of The Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke has done for American hunters...

Breaking News: Secretary Zinke Signs Order Prioritizing Game Migration Corridors

SO 3362 is big news at the 2018 Utah hunt expo as Zinke directs more...

12th Annual Western Hunt Expo Kicks Off in Utah

More than 50,000 all-American hunters are expected to attend the family-oriented event.

Governor of Tamaulipas, Mexico, Attends 1st SCI Show

The governor says his state it is a safe place for sportsmen to enjoy world-class...

NRA’s Free Online Hunter Ed Course Launches in Two More States

Today Connecticut joins Florida and, more recently, Oregon in offering NRA’s free online hunter education...

Hunters Are the Solution

Whether you want to help recruit more hunters or assist with a local conservation project,...

Pros and Cons of Modern-Day Hunting TV

As anti-hunters look for any opportunity to shut down hunting, networks, producers, hosts and American...

Conservation Easements Protect Our Hunting Heritage

Placing your property under a conservation easement helps to ensure future generations will enjoy hunting...

Taking Advantage of Private Land Access Programs

Did you know many states are adopting programs that grant hunters and anglers more access...

Anti-Hunters Admit They Even Want to Ban Muzzleloaders

Anti-gunners are showing their hand as they work to ban muzzleloaders.

Promoting the Mentoring Stage of Hunting

Mentoring a new hunter is personally rewarding, but it’s also the key to building our...

USFWS Rule Expands Hunting on 10 Wildlife Refuges

The USFWS announced Secretary Zinke’s move to expand opportunities on select national wildlife refuges is...
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